I have spoken with both Mark and Carol at the 24 Norman Street Condo Association, to decide what kind of things we will be posting here on the blog.
We won't be posting any proprietary information such as financial, or foreclosure information, although we may list things like recent unit sales or purchases, since those are already public information. What we will be posting mostly are resources for typical unit maintenance issues such as air conditioning units, water heaters, windows, appliances, locks, etc. We may also be posting notices about general building maintenance issues, such as any updates to the laundry room, and upcoming repair to the recent water damage in the rear stairwell.
Local Salem events that have an impact on building tenants such as parking, street cleaning, trash, etc. may also be posted here. There has also been a suggestion for postings concerning the building's long and interesting history.
Feel free to post suggestions and comments and let us know if there is any particular subject that you would like to see addressed here. These postings will supplement, but
not replace the bulletin board, and the annual condo meeting.
We will hopefully start posting regularly in the next week or so.