Ahhh, smoking. Some people love it, some people hate it, and its getting harder to find places where you can do it. If you happen to be a resident of or visitor to 24 Norman Street, you may have noticed the new sign on the bulletin board. There is no smoking in any of the common areas of the building, this includes the stairwells, hallways, laundry room, and around the front door, inside or out. (Nothing like running a gauntlet of smoke when you come into the building). This applies to both residents, and guests of residents.
There is nothing prohibiting you from smoking inside your unit, however, given the small size of the units in this building, and the fact that the doors and ceilings are less than air-tight, this may not be your best option. Most people go to the dumpster side of the building, where you can smoke relatively undisturbed. Just remember to clean up after yourselves, and police your cigarette butts when you are done, and to keep the noise down for the benefit of the people living in units on that side of the building.