Carol from Markwood Management is going to be cleaning up and straightening out the name/unit information on the mail boxes and would like to enlist your esthetic sense. The plan is to replace the numbers on the lower right with unit numbers and replace the current name stickers. They plan to use an engraved sticky backed plaque like piece for both. Any input regarding shape, color and font?
Markwood Management also plans to pull out the small, dead, dwarf evergreen to the right of the driveway. They will replace it next week, or if possible sooner. Plans to plant along the outside of the fence hiding the dumpster will have to wait until the fence company completes repairs on the center post of the fence, which is leaning in.
With silver-ish mailboxes I would say a 1" x 4" black plaques with a clean typeface like Helvetica / Arial (anything sans serif) would be nice. Keep it modern... times and serif fonts are too stuffy and old fashioned. The lettering would look nice in white. Just my 2¢
ReplyDeleteA quick update on the mailboxes. Markwood will be using grey plaques (something slightly darker than the brushed chrome shade of the boxes) with black lettering, one rectangular plaque per box with last name and unit number.
ReplyDeleteJust a quick note in the past some unit owners including myself have objected to having their names on the outside of the mail boxes..
ReplyDeleteCould you explain your objection? It would seem that having a name on the outside would aid with proper delivery.
ReplyDeleteFirst I'm not certain that it would aid proper delivery the postman I believe opens the entire front panel rather than each individual box also when the door is open he can see the name sticker on the inside of my letter box.
ReplyDeleteAs to an objection its a personal preference I guess.