We have another WTF? winning moment.
This last weekend there were not one, but two large, very noisy parties on the second floor of 24 Norman Street. One was on Friday night, the other on Saturday night. They were so large, that they spilled out into the hallway, where people were found to be drinking, smoking, and making enough noise to wake people in the adjacent units, if not the entire floor. This would have been bad enough during early evening hours, but this party was in full swing at 2:30 a.m. Several complaints were logged by Markwood Management, from residents on all three floors of the building. There were also cigarette butts as well as other various items of trash strewn throughout the stairs and hallways.
It cannot be stressed enough that this is a serious violation of condo bylaws, (as well as just common consideration for your neighbors), and there will be serious consequences for anyone, owner or tenant, who violates these laws. There are prohibitions against making any loud noise or disturbance between 12 midnight and 9 a.m. There are also prohibitions against smoking or drinking in common areas (i.e., hallways, stairwells, laundry room, outside of your unit, but inside the building) at any time.
If you lack the sense or consideration that would tell most people that having a loud party at 3 a.m is a bad idea, know this: this is not your frat house or college dorm. This is not your friend's house in the suburbs. This is a tightly-packed, small building in which sounds and smells travel easily down the halls and through the floors. In short, this is not a building suited for late-night parties.
If you are an owner, re-read your condo documents. If you are subletting to a tenant, it is your responsibility to inform them of the bylaws governing the building. "I didn't know" is not a viable excuse. If you live in the building, you should be aware of the bylaws.
If that isn't enough for you, remember that your careless behavior and "F*ck you" attitude is not engendering any good feelings or generosity from your neighbors.
Markwood Management has the right and the will to levy stiff fines for these violations.
And last, you may be subject to a visit by the local constabulary if it happens again.
Remember, a little consideration goes a long way.
Oh George...that's your name right...? Courage, George Courage...is that even real or is it just some clever prank pseudonym to describe a man who borderline stalks/obsesses over his fellow tenants? Hey George in your current BLOG POST (haha) you mention the cramped conditions of the building and the way that partying in such small confines disturbs you when you're at rest. This is understandable I mean friday and saturday is a time to rest after a long week of blogging and snapping ridiculously unimportant cameraphone photos of neighbor's laundry and cars. The thing is you bring up the fact that this building has 39 units in your WTF post which details the laundering habits of others and also the 39 units again when you enlighten us with your definition of temporary parking and what it should be used for (thanks for that by the way quite helpful). Were you a failed journalist or did you always want to be a stalker/illustrator/blogger who "is always looking for freelance work" let me define that one for you "doesn't have an actual job," and relentlessly complains about the living habits of others YOU sir do not know one thing about. Silly little life. If there is a problem you're having with someone in the building be a man, you're old, clearly, so do what your daddy taught ya and talk it out, don't bloooog about it, don't sit around stewing in your "CONDO" congrats, taking spy style cell phone shots as evidence and just generally whining and whining about every...little...thing. You're towing the line of humanity George and are nothing more than an example of the modern communication breakdown and the tired tiny testicles of the modern man. Maybe you should get out a little bit more, maybe do some illustrations, who knows that way you may no longer be so concerned about what everyone else in your building is doing on the weekend or during the week or during their temporary parking or with their laundry while they're at work or how they're getting people in and out of the building when the management coudln't provide keys to adjust the broken front door or why certain people might not have got the memo or had time (not everyone sits around waiting for freelance work all day everyday) or where they put their garbage or what time they go to bed or what they do on the weekend or what they smell like or what they drink or where a few cigarettes end up, George I'm sorry your writing is boring, you're a pedant buck up be a man have some fun, world's not so bad I promise.
ReplyDeleteRobert, Thank you for your thoughtful comments and observations.
ReplyDeleteYup, that's my real name, and yeah I'm old, and yeah you're right, I probably should get out more.
The problem is that I am a trustee for the building, so I actually have a responsibility to pay attention to and be concerned about the things that go on in and around the building. There are 3 elected trustees, only two of them actually live here. You probably didn't vote for me, but then again you probably didn't attend the annual meeting, and probably don't take much interest in the management of the building, unless it affects you directly. That's fine. I don't really care what you do inside your unit as long as it doesn't spill over into the common areas that are shared by everyone in the building: the laundry, the side parking lot, the hallways.
I didn't make the rules, the condo association
does, they are all outlined in the condo documents, (you should read them sometime),
I don't even enforce them, I just help other tenants who have questions or complaints find the appropriate avenue to express them either by contacting Markwood Management, or by writing them on the blog.
You don't have to be a genius to figure out that having a loud party at 3 a.m. isn't going to endear you to any of your neighbors, not just me.
I don't particularly like having to report inconsiderate behavior. It would be nice if I didn't have to. But I am glad that you actually took the time to read and respond.
If you ever want to discuss it in person, you know where to find me.