Salem will be celebrating Salem Heritage Days August 5-14, 2011 with a variety of events and activities. This is the 50th Anniversary of the event.
Wednesday, August 3
Comedy Night - Moose Lodge – 50 Grove St. – 7PM-10PM
Featuring the comedy of Paul D'Angelo and Patty Ross. $10/donation per ticket. Cash bar, raffles, and food available for purchase. For tickets call or visit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem, 13 Hawthorne Boulevard - (978) 744-0915. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. This event is for those ages 21+
Friday, August 5
Kick-Off Concert Event – 6:30PM-9:00PM - Salem Maritime Park on Derby Wharf - Sunset Concert featuring Coyote Run an exciting, contemporary Celtic rock band.
Saturday, August 6
23rd Annual Salem Maritime Festival – 10AM-5PM – Salem Maritime National Park on Derby Wharf
Free family fun all day includes USS Constitution Gun Drill Team, USCG 47’ Motor Life Boat Tours, NE Aquarium Marine Science Program, Canoe and Kayak rides, Hands-on sea adventures, roving storytellers, craft demonstrations, boatbuilding, kite-flying and a Muck Walk! The Schooner Fame of Salem and the Vessel Finback will offer free rides (by ticket drawing). Live music throughout the day by Ben Rudnick & Friends (11am), Three Sheets to the Wind (12:30pm), Whose Muddy Shoes, New Bedford Harbor Sea Chantey Chorus (2:30pm), and The Love Dogs (3:30pm). For more information, contact 978-740-1650 or visit www.nps.gov/sama.
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament – 1:00PM – Forest River
BRAND NEW EVENT – Join us for the 1st Annual Mayor's Cup tournament hosted by It Starts with Me! & Jamie Campbell. Check in opens at 11am. Entry fee: $20 per player Ages 16+ Applications can be found at www.ISWMcharity.com For more information contact Melanie McKinnon at melanie@iswmcharity.com or 978-821-5656 or Jamie Campbell at jcam1414@yahoo.com or 978-884-4472.
Clown Day – 10AM-4PM – Salem Willows
Send in the Clowns - stop by the Salem Willows and have clowns make balloon figures for your children, get their face painted and let them be entertained by continuous performances all afternoon.
Firemen’s Muster – 1:00PM - Salem Willows (Dead Horse Beach area)
Which crew can throw the longest stream of water with an antique hand pumped fire engine? Come and see a 19th century sport that is being kept alive in the 21st century by a bunch of historic preservationists who like to get wet!
Sunday, August 7
Historic Salem's Third Annual 5K Road Race – 9AM – 2PM
New Liberty Street (Salem Visitor Center)
Road Race starts at the Salem Visitor Center and goes down Derby Street, loops around the Willows and up Essex Street back to the Visitor Center. Registration begins at 7:15AM. Fee: $20 (pre-registration) $22 (race day). Register on-line at www.active.com. For more information, log onto www.historicsalem.org
Tour-A-Truck – 11:00AM-1:00PM – Salem Willows
Youngsters get a chance to climb and explore the insides of all kinds of big trucks. Rita's Ice will be on-site with free samples.
Monday, August 8
Senior Event: Trolley Rides - Salem residents ages 60 and over can ride The Salem Trolley free from 10AM to 4PM. Board at the National Park Service Visitor Center. Proof of age and Salem residency is required.
Senior Event: Ice Cream Social – 11:45AM-1:30PM – 5 Broad St.
The Salem Council on Aging will host an ice cream social at the Senior Center. Guests may choose from chocolate or vanilla ice cram and an assortment of toppings. This event is free. For more information call 978-744-0924.
Salem's Best Pizza Competition – 5PM-7PM – Salem Common
Come decide which Salem restaurant has the best pizza. Bring the whole family. We will award the top adult and kids pick.
$5 Adults / $3 Kids. For more information contact the Salem YMCA at 978-744-0351.
Mayor's Night Out Restaurant Sampler – 5PM-7PM
Join Mayor Kim Driscoll for a delicious hors d'oeuvres sampler highlighting three new restaurants downtown Salem. ~The first stop will be Café Polonia, the second stop will be Adriatic Restaurant & Bar, and the last stop will be The Great Escape Restaurant.~ Pre-registration required (max. 40 participants). Cost: $20 (Cash Bar) Proceeds benefit the Salem Main Streets program. For more information or to register call Salem Main Streets at 978-744-0004.
Salem Community Concert Band & Community Jazz Band
7:30PM-9PM – Salem Willows Shell
Come listen to two bands made up of Salem residents from Grade 8 through adult. Led under the direction of Cynthia Napierkowski, director of the Salem High School Band.
Tuesday, August 9
Senior Event: Trolley Rides - Salem residents ages 60 and over can ride The Salem Trolley free from 10AM to 4PM. Board at the National Park Service Visitor Center. Proof of age and Salem residency is required.
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum
Come tour the historic houses at the Peabody Essex Museum and experience three centuries of Salem. (Free admission - Space is limited – First come first serve). For more information contact the PEM at 978-745-9500
Senior Event: BBQ - 10:30AM-1PM - Winter Island
The Salem Council on Aging will host a barbecue at the Winter Island pavilion. ~The menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, lemonade and slush. Entertainment will be provided by Tony Malionek. Tickets are $5 and are on sale at the front desk of the Senior Center, 5 Broad St. For more information, call 978-744-0924.
Story Time at the Witch House – 5PM-5:30PM – 310 ½ Essex St.
Curious tales for the young read aloud in the Witch House's 17th century kitchen. Free. For more information contact 978-744-8815 or email info@witchhouse.info
Ice Scream Bowl - 6PM-7:30PM – Salem Common
We all scream for ICE-CREAM! Indulge your sweet tooth!~ Sample flavors from many of the North Shore's finest creameries, ice cream shops and restaurants. Bring the whole family. $5 Adults / $3 Kids. Proceeds to benefit Salem Main Streets.~ For more information contact Salem Main Streets at 978-744-0004.
Wednesday, August 10
Witches Cup Bike Race – 4PM – 8PM – Salem Common
This year is the 5th year since the reincarnation of the Witches Cup. The 2011 Witches Cup presents bicycle racing for both men and women at all levels. For more information log onto www.witchescup.com
Lip Sync Night – 5PM-6:30PM – Salem Willows Shell
We're doing it again…The City of Salem's 4th Annual Lip Sync Night. Would you like to perform? We are looking for groups of 2 or more. Participants should be between the ages of 6-14. Please bring your own music in CD form only. You must pre-register at the Salem Park, Recreation~& Community Services Department, 5 Broad Street. For more information, please contact Eileen Dunn at 978-744-0180, ext. 20 or edunn@salem.com.
Window Box & Traffic Island Awards Ceremony – 5:30PM – Brookhouse Garden – 180 Derby Street
Please join Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, the Salem Garden Club and the Salem Beautification Committee as they award the winners of the City's window box competition and traffic island sponsorship program. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony.
Dance Enthusiasm Performance – 7PM-9PM – Salem Willows Shell
You won't want to miss the amazing performances of Salem's Dance Enthusiasm Dance Company, winners of hundreds of awards at dance competitions across the United States. The dance company will perform many of their award-winning routines. It's a show that's guaranteed to entertain all ages.
Thursday, August 11
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 9 for description)
Farmers' Market – 3PM-7PM - Derby Square
If you haven't had a chance to visit The Salem Farmers’ Market, come visit us at Historic Derby Square on Front Street in Downtown Salem and is held every Thursday evening from 3-7:00 through October 21, 2010.
Senior Event: Dinner Dance – 5PM-9PM – 50 Grove St.
Salem's seniors are invited to dinner and dancing and meatballs, salad, rolls, dessert and coffee. Entertainment will be provided by Trilogy. Tickets are $1 and are limited to two tickets per Salem resident. After August 2, tickets will be available to senior citizens of other communities. For tickets and more information contact the Council on Aging at 978-744-0924.
Movie on the Common –After Dark (8:30PM)~– Salem Common
The City of Salem~Park, Recreation & Community Services Department presents~(movie TBD), so bring popcorn, a blanket or chair and enjoy.
Friday, August 12
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 9 for description)
Kids Night – 5PM-7:30PM – Salem Common
The Salem YMCA will transform the Salem Common into a paradise for children with moon bounces, rides, games and arts & crafts. $3 per child will pay for unlimited rides. For more information contact the Salem YMCA at 978-744-0351. (rain location: Salem YMCA, Sewall Street)
Saturday, August 13
Essex Street Fair – 10AM-6PM – Essex St. Pedestrian Mall
Fun for all ages this street festival has something for everyone. Crafts, jewelry, paintings, stained glass, and other unique items will be featured along the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall.Buskers, face painters, and strolling musicians will entertain crowds. For more information, contact the Salem Chamber of Commerce at 978-744-0004.
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 9 for description)
Pirate Day – 10AM-4PM - Pioneer Village (Forest River Park)
All land-lubbers are invited to experience Pirate Day at Pioneer Village, when the small coastal town will be temporarily held hostage by a crew of New England pirates. The Village will play host to a crew of authentically equipped New England pirates. Throughout the day the pirates will demonstrate punishments, blacksmithing, pirate cooking, sea tales and sea songs. Of special interest for children with a misplaced desire to join a pirate crew will be a guarded treasure house where junior crew-members may be recruited. As an act of uncharacteristic generosity, the pirate crew has offered to donate all the plunder collected from visitors to the Village on Pirate Day to the Institute of Public History of Gordon College - the manager and operator of the site. For more information, log onto www.pioneervillagesalem.com
Haunted City "Junior" Triathlon presented by DWMMA –11:00AM Dead Horse Beach, Salem Willows
Junior Triathletes come compete in Salem's youth triathlon. Boys & Girls ages 5-17 come test your endurance and courage to compete. The USAT sanctioned Haunted City Junior Triathlon is sounding more like a party for these young triathletes than an endurance event – well – most (if not all) kids are MORE than OK with that! There will be pizza, DJ Lanie Mac, face painter, Hobbs' Popcorn (YUMMY!), and MUCH MORE for all participating athletes. After a quick triathlon for these kids it is all about the post race FUN, the medal they just earned and of course the BRAGGING RIGHTS!! All athletes will receive a race shirt, water bottle, and a swim cap! Registration begins at 9:30AM. Fee: $40 (pre-registration-Aug 1st) $45 (post registration) this fee includes USAT Sanctioning Fee. Register on-line at www.active.com. For more information, email Ashley at bnsfitnessevents@yahoo.com or call (978) 836-0271.
Ice Cream Social – 1PM-3PM – Woman's Friend Society, 12 Hawthorne Boulevard
The Woman’s Friend Society will host their annual Ice Cream Social fundraiser. Come, bring your family and friends and enjoy the delicious ice cream sundaes in a beautiful garden setting and help a good cause. Event is held rain or shine. Cost is $5 per adult and $3 per child. See you there!
IMPROV on the BRICKS – 3:30PM– 4:30PM - Derby Square
Join the Salem Theatre Company for their 4th annual free improv comedy bash. Bring a lawn chair! Bring padding! It's improv on a hard surface and anything can happen! For more information visit www.salemtheatre.com.
Salem Jazz & Soul Festival, Berklee Summer Series Concert - 5PM–7PM - Derby Square (in case of rain, event will be held in the Museum Place Mall off Essex Street.)
This free outdoor concert at Derby Square is produced in conjunction with the Berklee College of Music. Featuring Jazz Saxophonist Hailey Niswanger. Don't forget your chair. For more information visit http://www.salemjazzsoul.org
Sunday, August 14
Pet Fair & Dog Show – 9AM-1PM – Salem Common
NEW THIS YEAR, there will be a North Shore Pet Fair on the Common where there will be a variety of pet exhibitors showcasing products, services, activities, demonstrations and loads of tail waging fun! There will also be a 1 mile dog walk around the Common to benefit the PALS organization of Salem, MA at 10am. For more information and to register your dog for the walk, visit www.northsorepetfair.com or call 781-913-3523. This year's Dog Show theme is 'THIS PLACE IS GOING TO THE DOGS' . The Dog Show contest will take place at 11am. Categories include: Barking up the Wrong Tree – Best Barker; Putting on the Dog – Best Dressed in Fancy Clothes; Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks – Best Trick; Puppy Love – Best Lover; Dogging My Footsteps – Relay/Obstacle; Dog Tired – Dog Who Stays in the “Down” Position for the Longest Time; and In the Dog House – Story Told by Owner how his Dog was a Rescue from a Shelter or off the Street. Registration fee $8.00 for 1 Dog/$15.00 for 2 Dogs. Register on line at www.northshorepetfair.com or on the Common beginning at 9am..ALL Dogs Must Be on a 6 Ft. Lead. For more information contact Donna at 781-535-8635.
Essex Street Fair –10AM-6PM – Essex St. Pedestrian Mall
(see Aug. 13 for full description)
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 9 for description)
Wild Fish 1 Mile~& 2 Mile Endurance Swims
Presented by A. Lichelle Aldana DDS, PC.
11:30 AM – Collins Cove Beach (Webb St.)
Swimmers from all over the North East will test their endurance in a one or two mile counter clockwise swim in a calm ocean water cove. Registration will open at 10am. All swimmers will receive a swim cap and tech shirt. The first 150 to signup will receive an athletic cinch sak. You should expect an awesome post race party including music from DJ Lanie Mac, award ceremony, ice cream, popcorn, pizza, fruit and more. Pre-Reg $30-August 1st (+$5 after Aug 2nd). For more information, email Ashley at bnsfitnessevents@yahoo.com or call (978) 836-0271.
Pirate Day – Noon-4PM - Pioneer Village (Forest River Park)
(see Aug. 13 for full description)
2nd Annual Seersucker Social – 11:00AM – 144 Washington St.
The Urbane Cyclist is proud to host their 2nd annual Salem Seersucker Social, a celebration of cycling with a nod to summer fashions of yesteryear. It’s sure to be a smashing good time! Information on after party with local nibbles and cocktails can be found at www.theurbanecyclist.com
Phillips House 10th Annual Antique Car Meet – NOON–3PM –
34 Chestnut Street
Join Historic New England's Phillips House and the North Shore Old Car Club for the Tenth Annual Car Meet. Vintage and antique vehicles, including a collection of carriages, two Pierce-Arrows, and a Model A Ford, will be displayed. There will be special tours of the Phillips House and Carriage House and family activities and games will be set up in the backyard. Jazz music will be provided by Trent Austin of Trentoon Music and light refreshments will be served. Free admission. For information, call 978-744-0440 or visit www.HistoricNewEngland.org
IMPROV on the BRICKS – 3:30PM– 4:30PM - Derby Square
(see Aug. 13 for full description)
Salem's Chiptune, Electronica and Noise Extravaganza (S.C.E.N.E.) – 6PM-10PM – Salem Willows Shell
BRAND NEW EVENT! Join local vj's, dj's and live electronic musicians as they showcase their amazing talent and new music that might otherwise be overlooked by the mainstream.
For updated and new event listings and more information about any of the events, please visit the Events Calendar at www.salem.com or contact Salem City Hall at 978-619-5676
Attention Downtown shoppers- merchant 1 hour validation stamps are worth double at both garages, so spend a little bit longer enjoying downtown. *restrictions do apply (4, 1 hr stamps per visit, valid for a max of 8 hours)
Salem Ferry Week Day Special
Salem residents will receive $2.00 off their Salem Ferry ticket August 8-12.
*restrictions do apply, proof of residency is required. Offer not valid during commuter runs.
I absolutely love these guys. What a great show. It arrived on time and was in great shape. I love to watch and listen to this group. They are great.