The 24 Norman Street Blog is written and privately maintained by resident George Courage. This blog is no longer endorsed or paid for by either Markwood Management, or Harvest Properties and the opinions, observations and recommendations expressed therein are those of the author alone. This blog welcomes constructive comments, opinions and feedback about anything and everything affecting the quality of life in, near and around 24 Norman Street and Salem, Massachusetts.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Snow Brochure

The City of Salem has a brochure containing helpful information important information to
help you through the WINTER including snow emergency parking bans, alternative designated parking areas, snowplowing, cancellations, and other useful stuff. As they say in the brochure:
"Winter storms can provide tension and risk of injury to members of our community who must travel during storm conditions. The City of Salem wants to do all it can to reduce the likelihood of personal injury to our residents, automobile accidents and property damage by making the roadways as safe as possible under the worst of conditions. The City's goal is to quickly open the streets and make them passable so that essential traffic can safely negotiate roadways. Residents can help us do this by working together. This brochure provides you with information that will help you and the Department of Public Services (DPS) make the long winter months shorter than expected."


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