The 24 Norman Street Blog is written and privately maintained by resident George Courage. This blog is no longer endorsed or paid for by either Markwood Management, or Harvest Properties and the opinions, observations and recommendations expressed therein are those of the author alone. This blog welcomes constructive comments, opinions and feedback about anything and everything affecting the quality of life in, near and around 24 Norman Street and Salem, Massachusetts.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Traffic and Parking Commission Meeting November 2nd

There is a City of Salem Traffic and Parking Commission meeting next Thursday, November 2nd at 120 Washington Street 3rd floor at 6:30 PM. (Item vii on the above agenda). The Bus Parking in Holyoke Square will be discussed at this meeting.  Please consider attending to support turning the Bus Spaces back into Automobile Parking spaces.  Please pass the word about this meeting by email and social media.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Nothing in the Hallways

You may have received this recent notice from Markwood Management about Halloween decorations in the hallways.

Good afternoon homeowners:

We appreciate that it is impossible to avoid enthusiasm for Halloween when you live in Salem.  Unfortunately, we must ask you to remove the decorations many of you have placed in the hallways.

Insurance companies are quite adamant that nothing be placed in in common areas that might in any way be considered a "trip" hazard.

Thank you,
Markwood Management

Basically, do not place or store anything in the common areas (hallways, steps, roof) of the building. This not only includes seasonal decorations of any kind, but also trash bags, furniture, sculptures and There are several good reasons for this policy: These objects constitute a potential hazard and expose us to liability (the insurance for the common areas does not cover your personal items).  That could mean problems if visitors or tenants trip on these things (and sue us), if they impede evacuation during a fire, or constitute a fire hazard in and of themselves.  There are also problems if someone damages or steals the personal items left in the common areas. This kind of clutter can also make vacuuming more difficult for the cleaners. And lastly, not everyone shares the same taste in "decoration". So please keep all of your personal items inside your unit.