The 24 Norman Street Blog is written and privately maintained by resident George Courage. This blog is no longer endorsed or paid for by either Markwood Management, or Harvest Properties and the opinions, observations and recommendations expressed therein are those of the author alone. This blog welcomes constructive comments, opinions and feedback about anything and everything affecting the quality of life in, near and around 24 Norman Street and Salem, Massachusetts.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Latest in the Window Replacement Saga

On July 7th, I received the following e-mail from Andy Giller at New Angle Glass, the selected vendor for the window replacement project.

  I just wanted to let you know that 2 of our flat glass technicians (they are brothers) gave their notice this morning and they are moving out of state. This will leave us short handed until we find replacement. Unfortunately we will have to hold off or pass on the window project in your building as we simply are not going to have the man power at this point. I truly apologize and feel terrible, but I wouldn't want to take on a project that we wouldn't be able to complete. I will have John notify the unit owners that have already contacted us.

Thank you,

Andrew B. Giller
New Angle LOGO
Phone: 781-309-5511
Fax: 781-592-4768

This unfortunately sends us back to square one on the project.
We initially had two other vendors in the running, but their pricing was almost double what we got from New Angle Glass.
Our current options are:
1. Start over and look for a new vendor
2. Go back to one of the previous vendors and see if we can get a better price.
3. Let everyone figure it out for themselves.

I for one, after working on this project off and on for the last year or so, would like to take a break from this and/or pass the torch to someone else who can take the lead in finding and communicating with a vendor who is ready, willing and able to do this project within the price range that we have already established. I would appreciate your input on this matter.

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