Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2014 Annual Meeting
The 2014 meeting of the 24 Norman Street Condominium Trust will be held Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. in the Heritage Room of the Heritage Plaza Condominium, 10 Norman Street (Next door, lower level), Salem, Massachusetts.
You should have received a meeting package and proxy form for your information and review. At this meeting you will be electing three trustees for one-year terms. George Courage, Anna Zabierek and Jessie Zuberek have volunteered to serve as trustees. If you are interested in adding your name to the ballot, please contact Markwood Management no later than December 31, 2013 and be prepared to present yourself at the meeting.
Please direct any questions to Markwood Management.
Annual Meeting,
Condo Bylaws,
Markwood Management,
Thursday, December 12, 2013
The new City of Salem Snow Emergency Information brochure is now available at this link here. This contains important information to help you through the coming WINTER.
Friday, December 6, 2013
New Carpet Installation
Magarian Carpet is on site for the next few days installing the new carpets. The installers have noticed that the carpets run underneath the doors to each unit at varying lengths, so in some cases they will need those doors open to finish the job. We've asked them to proceed as far as they can for the time being, but we wanted to get the word out to tenants that they may need to make themselves available to open their doors at some point. We have scheduled the installers to be here after 8:30 this Saturday (12/7/13) in order to finish up any carpeting that they were not able to get to this last week on the top two floors. We may need to schedule another Saturday for installation on the the remaining floors. We would request that tenants be aware of the installers and make every effort to be available during those times. Magarian installers may be knocking on your door as they try to get this done. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Markwood Management.
Monday, November 25, 2013
The First Rule About Trash Days
Unless there is a holiday, our trash collection is regularly scheduled for Tuesdays. Early in the morning, usually between 7:00 and 9:00 AM, a large truck backs into the side parking area and empties the dumpster. If there is a vehicle blocking access to the dumpster when they arrive, they will sometimes beep their horn, but more often than not, they move on, (they have a strict schedule to keep) and we miss our trash disposal for the week.
This can be a real problem as the dumpster will often be overflowing before they come the following week. This leads to an increase in pests (like seagulls and rats) and in the warmer months, flies, maggots, and bad odors, not to mention that it just looks plain ugly.
So remember, the first rule about trash day is: Never park in front of or block access to the dumpster. The second rule about trash day is: NEVER PARK IN FRONT OF OR BLOCK ACCESS TO THE DUMPSTER. If you do, you will not only cause problems with the trash, but your car may be towed as well.
Parking Issues,
trash collection
Sunday, November 10, 2013
2013 Salem Winter Market Begins Thursday at Old Town Hall
On Thursday, November 7th Salem Main Streets in cooperation with the City of Salem, will host this year’s first Winter Market at Old Town Hall. The Winter Market will run six weeks on Thursdays from 3 – 6 p.m., November 7 through December 19. There will be no Market the week of Thanksgiving. Old Town Hall is adjacent to Derby Square where the Summer Farmers’ Market is held.
It will include produce from local farms, pasture-fed meat, spices, pickles, soup, baked goods, artisan soap, jewelry, wreaths, and more. All items are grown or produced in New England.
“I am very excited that Salem Main Streets and the City will be hosting a weekly Winter Market,” said Mayor Kim Driscoll. “Our Summer Farmers’ Market is an incredibly popular event and I hope the Winter Market will be the same. Farmers’ markets, no matter what time of year, are an important component of a healthy and vibrant community. I invite my fellow Salem residents to come to Old Town Hall on Thursdays through December 19th to experience this great event for themselves.”
2013 Salem Winter Market vendors will include (this list is subject to change):
Farm Vendors (produce): Clark Farm, Grant Family Farm, Long Hill Orchard & Farm, and Wally’s Vegetables
Non-Farm Vendors (not produce): Big Sky Bakery (bread), Fishwives Specialty Foods/Mandy’s Seafood Chowder (chowder), Piper Ranch (meat), Salem Spice (spices, also selling Maitland Mountain Farm’s pickles), Valicenti Organico (pasta/sauces), and Wolf Meadow Farm (cheese)
Artisan Vendors: Salem Soapworks and Shine Jewelry/Heritage Industries
In addition to Salem Main Streets and the City of Salem, Mass in Motion Salem, as well as numerous volunteers are making the 2013 Salem Winter Market possible. The Market participates in the SNAP program and will accept the EBT card.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets Manager, at 978-744-0004 or kylie@salemmainstreets.org, or visit http://salemmainstreets.org/salem-winter-market/. You can also follow Salem Main Streets on Facebook and Twitter to keep current on Winter Market news.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Halloween Parking Information for 24 Norman Street
The side lot at 24 Norman street will be chained and locked starting Tuesday night 10/29/13 through Friday morning 11/01/13. This is in anticipation of record crowds in Salem. In past years we have had issues with non-residents parking in the side lot during the Halloween festivities, and because of road closings and heavy traffic, were unable to have them towed.
If you have any questions about this or issues, please contact Markwood Management at 781-639-4080.
In addition the City of Salem has announced
Road Closures & No Parking Zones for Halloween.
All closures subject to change based on traffic and public safety considerations
SALEM, MA – The City of Salem has announced the following planned road closures and temporary parking restrictions for Halloween, October 31st. These closures are subject to change based on conditions, crowd size, and other public safety factors.
Visitors planning to come to Salem on October 26th, 27th, or 31st are strongly encouraged to take the commuter rail (www.mbta.com/riding_the_t/haunted_happenings/) or ride the Salem-to-Boston Ferry (www.bostonharborcruises.com/salem-ferry/). For more information about traveling to Salem during Halloween visit http://hauntedhappenings.org/arrive and to be notified about road closures follow www.twitter.com/getthruoctober.
Streets closed to traffic at approximately 4:00 p.m., no later than 5:00 p.m., and until approximately 11:30 p.m.
- Washington St. from New Derby to Bridge St.
- Essex St. from Barton Square to Union St.
- Derby St. from Lafayette St. to Congress St.
- Brown St. at New Liberty St. Second backup closure at Howard St.
- Lafayette St. from Derby to Front St.
- Hawthorne Blvd. from Derby St. to Essex St.
- Washington Sq. West from Essex to Brown St. Washington Sq. South closed. Washington Sq. North closed from Brown to Winter St.
- Winter St. at Bridge St. closed to inbound traffic.
- Williams St. at Bridge St.
- Congress St. closed at South Harbor Garage. Vehicles will be detoured to Pickering Way out to Derby St. Derby St. inbound traffic detoured to Little Hawthorne Blvd., right on Essex St. (Traffic direction will be reversed on Little Hawthorne Blvd.)
- Bridge St. will be closed to traffic between the westerly ramps and the Bypass Road.
- Incoming Bridge St northbound traffic will be detoured up westerly ramps to North Street. Bypass Road inbound traffic from Beverly will be diverted back to Bridge Street and back to Beverly. Incoming southbound traffic from Bridge Street will be diverted to the Bypass Road and back to Beverly.
- Franklin Street may be closed to traffic if needed.
special circumstances arise.
No parking tow zones from 4:00 p.m. to midnight
1. Lafayette St. both sides Front to Derby St.
2. Public parking lot along Front St. Public parking spaces
located on Central St. in front of old police station.
3. Essex St. from Barton Sq. to Hawthorne Blvd.
4. Derby St. both sides between Congress and Lafayette St.
5. Hawthorne Blvd. both sides.
6. Front St.
7. Central St.
8. Washington St. from New Derby to Bridge St. both sides.
9. Washington Sq. North, South, and West both sides.
10. Federal St. both sides from Washington to Superior Court.
11. Norman St. from Washington to Crombie St.
12. Franklin St. on the Furlong Park/North River side of the street.
13. New Derby St. between Klop Alley and Lafayette St.
Parking changes,
Parking Issues,
Road Closings,
Salem Roads
Friday, October 25, 2013
Remain Calm and Don't Be A Dick

This building sometimes feels like a group of individuals who just happen to occupy the same space, but like it or not, by living here, you are part of a community.
When you live in a community there is give and take. You are not living in a shack in Montana where you can do whatever you want, at any hour, without consequence. With 39 units crammed into a fairly small building and a wide variety of owners, tenants, schedules and lifestyles, it is no great surprise that there are conflicts. Conflicts between neighbors, conflicts between owners and tenants, conflicts between tenants and Markwood Management.
Now most of these are minor, and involve either sound disturbances, minor violations of the condo association bylaws, or both. Many times these conflicts are resolved through dialogue and communication between the parties involved, simply talking to the person and explaining the situation. Concessions and adjustments are made. Most people are rational, reasonable, and wish to avoid problems rather than exacerbate them. A little courtesy goes a long way.
However, every now and then you get a tenant who for one reason or another, digs in their heels and escalates issues to the point of legal action. This is often characterized by open antagonism, mild vandalism, and/or threatening behavior. Maybe they have an ongoing grudge against Markwood, or are angry at some perceived slight, maybe they think highly of themselves and have an unnaturally enlarged sense of entitlement, maybe their mommies didn't love them enough as children, maybe they even have a legitimate gripe...who knows..the point is, that kind of anti-social behavior is totally unacceptable.
The law provides tools for dealing with these kind of people, however the effectiveness of those tools are limited if these people"dig in". The law works best when people are reasonable; when they are unreasonable, the effectiveness of law diminishes in direct proportion to how unreasonable the offending person wishes to be.
Markwood uses fines and/or civil action to enforce the condo bylaws. The bylaws are not arbitrary. They have evolved over the last 30 years in dealing with the issues of many people living in a small space in an urban area. They are there for good reason and need to be enforced so that we can all live here in comfort and safety. Enforcement takes time, effort and money, and most importantly, participation. People get away with bad behavior for years when people don't get involved, call them on it, or stick to their guns when it gets difficult to do so.
It is only through communication, persistence and community that we keep this building a decent place to live. If you have an ongoing conflict with a neighbor that you can't resolve and it is getting uncomfortable, please contact Markwood immediately and inform them of the situation.
Don't ignore it, or hope it will go away. Don't try taking the law into your own hands either.
Chances are if you are having a repeated problem with a particular tenant, others have had it too. You are not alone, you have an ally, and if we work together, we can make this building a not just a good place, but a great place to live.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Use the Back Door
With several new tenants moving in recently, it has come to Markwood's attention that people predominantly use the front door when loading and unloading their furniture. This is a problem.
The main issue is the stairs themselves. The back stairs are metal, whereas the front stairs are stone. Although stone looks beautiful, it is soft and prone to wear and chipping, as you can see by the large chunks missing from the treads in the picture above.
Lugging couches, appliances and other heavy objects up the front stairs potentially damages the stairs.
The other issue in using the front door for freight, is that it blocks the main access point for building residents. The front door is not only the main access point it is the only access point if you don't have your keys. If you are blocking that entry because you are hauling a piece of furniture up the front steps, that is a problem.
We don't have a freight elevator, but the back stairs are essentially our "freight stairs"and should be used as such. The front stairs may seem more attractive for hauling things, as it is a straight shot up the steps from the street, however both front and back steps are the same width, and unless you live on the first floor, both have 90° angles that must be negotiated.
Trash and recyclables should also be taken out the back door.
Owners, when you speak to your tenants about moving in, or out of the building, please remind them to use the back stairway. Thank you.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
New Carpeting!
This may mean some noise and disruption during the day as there will be workmen going in and out of the building, removing old carpet and installing the new. Items such as welcome matts and shoes will need to be removed before the work starts.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
October Parking
Well it's October again, and if you have lived at 24 Norman Street for more than a year, you will know what that means. It means lots of Halloween activities going on for the entire month, lots and lots of tourists, and a corresponding lack of available parking spaces.
Markwood would like to remind everyone that, tempting as it is, to not use the side lot for your own personal, long-term parking area. This is a constant issue throughout the year that gets much worse through the month of October and especially on Halloween, when we get upwards of 40,000 visitors to the city.
Occasionally it is not only residents of 24 Norman Street who abuse the side parking lot.
In the past we have had tourists who think it is a free, open parking lot for their convenience. Towing has been the usual deterrent, but since the streets are so crowded, and the towing company is so busy, that remedy may not be an effective deterrent. For this reason Markwood will be chaining off the parking area for the Halloween weekend. We will keep you posted on the details of when this is happening. If you have any questions please contact Markwood Management at 781-639-4080.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Dumpster Diving
If you have lived at 24 Norman Street for a while, you will occasionally see homeless people from the local shelter going through the recycling bins looking for recyclable items. Although not condoned, and officially trespassing, Markwood generally overlooks this behavior as long as it is taking place during regular daylight working hours, and the people doing the scavenging don't disturb the peace or leave a mess.
Dumpster-diving however, is another matter entirely. The dumpsters by definition are containers for garbage and other non-recyclable trash. This trash is often wet, dirty, smelly and frequently, dangerous. Broken glass, wood with nails, sharp pieces of metal, etc. Besides the fact, do you really want someone scavenging through your trash?
This presents serious potential liability for 24 Norman Street.
If you see anyone climbing into, on or around the dumpster, who is not an employee of Northside Carting, or a resident of 24 Norman Street, please call the police immediately.
Dumpster -diving,
Neighborhood Issues,
Waste disposal
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Ladders Are Missing Again
Markwood Management maintains two large, yellow-and-black, fiberglass stepladders at the bottom of the back stairwell, and a smaller wooden one for the use of the residents.
They can be used to access the high windows and ceilings of the units for cleaning, curtain installation, etc.
They are both missing again.
They are heavy and a bit difficult to move, so sometimes people are reluctant to return them to their storage area after using them. They also sometimes "wander" off the property.
If you have seen them outside of 24 Norman Street, please let Markwood Management know immediately, or if you have borrowed them or have them in your unit please return them to their storage space at the bottom of the back stairs as soon as possible.
Your condo fee helps pays for them, and they are for everyone to use.
Please be courteous.
Missing Property,
Friday, September 20, 2013
The Driveway is Fixed!
Good news for those of you who like to use the side parking lot for picking up and dropping off, (as well as those of you who like to park there like it's your own personal spot)!
Markwood Management recently completed repairs on the cobblestone entry ramp from the street as well as the large pothole that lay at the head of the driveway. Hopefully these will survive the winter!
Salem Announces Planned Street Closures for September and October

following road closures and detours planned for events in September and October.
All information below is subject to change. The Salem Police Department will close any street at any time if they determine that a public safety issue exists.
· September 21: Wicked Salem Half Marathon starts at 7:00 a.m. at the Bentley School. No road closures are planned, however residents should anticipate traffic delays along: Memorial Drive, Essex Street, Route 1A, Route 114 including Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, Lafayette Street, Fort Avenue, and Memorial Drive. There will be no parking tow zones set up on Memorial Drive, Victory Road, and Larkin Lane.
· September 28: Gallows Hill road race starts at 5:30 p.m. at Gallows Hill Park. No road closures are planned, however residents should anticipate traffic delays on Witch Hill Road and Hillside Avenue.
· October 3: Haunted Happenings Parade starts at 6:30 p.m. at Shetland Office Park on Congress Street. Residents should anticipate traffic delays on Route 114 and Route 1A. Route 1A from Derby Street to Brown Street will be closed to traffic from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Other road closures are Congress Street, Washington Street, Essex Street from Washington Street to Union Street, Central Street, Front Street, and Washington Square West, North, and South. There will be no parking tow zones along the entire parade route.
· October 5 and 6: Haunted Happenings BizBaz. There will be no parking at the meters along the portion of Essex Street between Hawthorne Boulevard and New Liberty Street beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday October 5 through Sunday October 6 at 9:00 p.m. This section of Essex Street will also be closed to through traffic from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
· October 13: Witch Ride Motorcycle Ride. Route 114 and Route 1A will be impacted, but not closed to traffic, from Marblehead to New Derby Street. Route 1A, including Derby Street, will be closed to traffic between Lafayette Street and Congress Street. Congress Street will also be closed to traffic. Residents should anticipate road closures and traffic delays from noon to 3:00 p.m. There will be a no parking tow zone on Derby Street between Lafayette and Congress Street from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
· October 20: Salem YMCA Haunted Happenings 5K road race starts at 9:00 a.m. at the Salem Willows. No road closures are planned, however residents should anticipate traffic delays along the following roadways: Memorial Drive, Essex Street, Route 1A, Route 114 including Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, and Fort Avenue, ending at Restaurant Row.
· October 26: Devil’s Chase road race starts at 8:00 a.m. at the Salem Willows soccer field on Fort Avenue. No road closures are planned, however residents should traffic delays until 10:30 a.m. on the following roadways: Fort Avenue, Derby Street, Szetela Lane, Webb Street, Andrews Street, Washington Square, Essex Street, Charter Street, Central Street, Derby Street, Winter Island Road, Columbus Avenue, Restaurant Row, and Memorial Drive. Several no parking tow zones will be posted on Memorial Drive, Victory Road, and Larkin Lane.
· October 31: Halloween events will include multiple road closures and heavy traffic delays throughout Salem for the entire day and night. Residents should expect major traffic delays on Route 114 and Route 1A. Downtown streets will close to all traffic no later than 4:00 p.m. These road closures include: Essex Street at Crombie Street and Barton Square to Union Street, Washington Street from New Derby Street to Bridge Street, Federal Street from St. Peter’s Street to North Street, Washington Square North and West from Essex Street to Brown Street, Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, Route 1A, Congress Street near Pickering Wharf, Charter Street, Central Street, Front Street, and Lafayette Street from New Derby Street to Front Street. Bridge Street at the Bypass Road will also close to all traffic between the westerly overpass ramps the Bypass Road from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. for the closing fireworks.
For additional information, please contact the Traffic Division of the Salem Police Department at 978-744-0171 ext. 115 or online at www.salempd.net. Travel and parking information for Salem’s October Haunted Happenings festival is online at www.hauntedhappenings.org, with detailed parking information at www.parkinginsalem.com. Follow street closure and traffic alerts for October in Salem on Twitter at www.twitter.com/GetThruOctober (@getthruoctober).
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Don't Do This
When placing cardboard into the paper recycling bins, remember to break down boxes, etc. as much as possible. Don't do what is pictured here. The lids of the containers must be able to close, so that when it rains or snows, the bins don't fill with water and turn the contents into a sodden mess. It also keeps this stuff from blowing around in the street. If the bin is already full, save the recycling for next week, or throw it in the dumpster. Thank you.
Bad Behavior,
Quality of life,
Friday, August 23, 2013
West Nile Virus Confirmed in Mosquitoes from Salem
Northeast Mosquito Control to conduct spraying later this week
The Salem Board of Health announced today that spraying for mosquitoes will be conducted in parts of South Salem on the night of Wednesday, August 21, starting at 8:00 p.m. Salem’s Board of Health and officials from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Northeast Mosquito Control program made the decision to conduct precautionary spraying following the detection of West Nile Virus-positive mosquito samples in the region in recent days. Spraying is weather-dependent; the rain date will be Thursday, August 22.
The spraying will take place in the area within Lafayette Street/Linden Street to the Swampscott and Marblehead borders. To be most effective, spraying needs to be done when mosquitoes are active and the temperature is about 60 degrees.
Residents of these neighborhoods and those who live within 1,500 feet of the border of any of these areas should take simple precautions to avoid exposure to pesticide during the time that their city or town is scheduled to be sprayed:
- Stay indoors, keep your windows closed, and turn off window fans during the time spraying occurs. If your air conditioner has a fresh air intake feature, you may want to shut off the intake during the spraying.
- Keep pets indoors when spraying is occurring in your immediate area.
- If skin or clothes or other items are come into contact with sprayed pesticide, wash with soap and water. If the spray gets in your eyes, immediately rinse them with water or eye drops, and call your doctor.
- If you have a small ornamental fish pond, you may want to cover it during the night of spraying.
- Following the spray, rinse with water any homegrown fruits and vegetables that may have been sprayed.
- The pesticide being used is Duet, which has been approved for spraying use by the EPA and the Massachusetts Bureau of Pesticides. Sumithrin, the active ingredient in Duet, poses no significant risk to people or pets. Duet is designed to quickly attract and knockout mosquitoes and then quickly dissipate. The pesticide will be sprayed into the air, not onto the ground. As a precaution, Mosquito Control will shut off the spray if people or pets are directly abutting the truck.
Spraying of pesticides reduces but does not eliminate the risk of mosquito-borne illness. All residents, whether inside or outside the spray zone, are urged to continue taking personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites. These include using insect repellent, covering exposed skin when outside, and avoiding outdoor activities between the hours of dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are at their most active.
Please visit Northeast Mosquito Control at http://www.northeastmassmosquito.com/ and the Department of Public Health at http://www.mass.gov/dph for more information and updates.
Public Health,
West Nile Virus
Friday, August 9, 2013
Increase in Rules Violation Fees
The Board of Trustees recently voted to adopt an amendment to the condo bylaws that increases the fines for violations of those bylaws.
This measure has been formally adopted into the Master Deed and By-Laws recorded with the Essex County South District Registry of Deeds.
This was done to bring us up to par with other Markwood Management building bylaws as well as give the board a more effective tool for the management of violations.
"In addition to any and all other remedies available to the Board for violations, the Board may assess fines, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the ssociation against the Unit Owners for violations of the provisions of M.G.L. c. 183A (the Condominium Act"), the Master Deed, By-Laws, or Rules and Regulations, as follows:
1st Offense: Notice of a fine up to $100
2nd Offense: Fine of up to $200
3rd Offense: Fine of up to $300
Each day that a violation continues after notice shall be considered a separate violation. Fines may be enforced against the Unit Owner(s) involved as common expenses. If any expense is incurred by the Board as a result of the failure and/or misconduct of either a Unit Owner or such Unit Owner's family members, tenants, guests, or invitees, then the Board may assess all such expenses against the subject Unit Owner and such assessment shall be both the subject Unit Owner's personal obligation and a lien against Unit Owner's Unit, enforceable and collectable as a common expense charge."
This measure has been formally adopted into the Master Deed and By-Laws recorded with the Essex County South District Registry of Deeds.
This was done to bring us up to par with other Markwood Management building bylaws as well as give the board a more effective tool for the management of violations.
"In addition to any and all other remedies available to the Board for violations, the Board may assess fines, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the ssociation against the Unit Owners for violations of the provisions of M.G.L. c. 183A (the Condominium Act"), the Master Deed, By-Laws, or Rules and Regulations, as follows:
1st Offense: Notice of a fine up to $100
2nd Offense: Fine of up to $200
3rd Offense: Fine of up to $300
Each day that a violation continues after notice shall be considered a separate violation. Fines may be enforced against the Unit Owner(s) involved as common expenses. If any expense is incurred by the Board as a result of the failure and/or misconduct of either a Unit Owner or such Unit Owner's family members, tenants, guests, or invitees, then the Board may assess all such expenses against the subject Unit Owner and such assessment shall be both the subject Unit Owner's personal obligation and a lien against Unit Owner's Unit, enforceable and collectable as a common expense charge."
Thursday, August 8, 2013
FYI: Vacation Rentals are Illegal
Recently Markwood Management came across this website.
It is a listing on Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO) from Home Away, a site that lists private apartments and condos around the world for short-term vacation rentals and appears to be one of the units at 24 Norman Street.
Salem is a major tourist destination, especially through the summer and Halloween. It would be great if you could rent your unit out to visiting tourists and make some extra money, especially if you are an owner who doesn't actually live in the building...wouldn't it?...except for the fact that it is illegal.
Norman Street is Designated a Central Development Zone (B5). The Zoning By-Laws pertaining to Principal Use shows that Rooming, Boarding or Lodging Houses are not permitted in zone B5. Rooming houses are defined in the By-Laws as:
"Rooming, boarding or lodging house: A dwelling or part thereof in which lodging is provided by the owner or operator to at least three, but not more than six, roomers or boarders. "
This is a clear violation of Salem’s zoning By-Laws, (a rooming-house permit would be required) as well as a violation of the Condo Association's by-laws. Besides the fact that it is illegal, it raises all kinds of security, liability and insurance issues. What if a short-term renter in the building is injured while staying here? or injures somebody? Who is liable? Hopefully you can see where this opens a whole variety of issues. We do not have the kind of building set-up, security, or staff to be able to manage these kind of rentals, even if they were allowed by law, which they aren't.
So, if you were thinking about doing this, well...don't.
You will be subject to legal action by the Salem Zoning Enforcement Board as well as legal action (including fines) by Markwood Management.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Salem Heritage Days Schedule AUGUST 1 – AUGUST 11, 2013
The Peabody Essex Museum and the Salem Witch Museum are always free to Salem residents. The Salem Trolley is free to Salem residents through September 30, 2013, and The Salem Ferry offers 20% discounts to Salem residents on their round-trip Salem Ferry ticket. The Witch House will be free to Salem residents during Heritage Days and Pioneer Village will be free to residents on Saturday August 3rd. (some restrictions do apply at some of these venues, proof of residency is required) So why not become a tourist during Heritage Days and take advantage of these great opportunities!
Attention Downtown shoppers- merchant 1 hour validation stamps are worth double at both garages, so spend a little bit longer enjoying downtown. *restrictions do apply (4, 1 hr stamps per visit, valid for a max of 8 hours)
Thursday, August 1
The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St.
20% off Family Admission for Salem residents. Proof of residency is required.
The House of the Seven Gables – 1PM – 4PM - 115 Derby St.
Experience 17th Century games on our beautiful seaside lawn. Free event.
Movie on the Common –~Dark (8:30PM)~– Salem Common
Bring a blanket or a chair and enjoy a family-friendly movie (tba).
Friday, August 2
The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St.
20% off Family Admission for Salem residents. Proof of residency is required.
The House of the Seven Gables – 1PM – 3PM – 115 Derby St.
BRAND NEW EVENT FREE storytelling sessions in English and Spanish.~ Families are invited to enjoy traditional tales from the Dominican Republic and other parts of the Caribbean. The stories will be about magical beings known as ciguapas, or mermaid-like creatures, and the legendary “Indians of the Waters” of traditional Dominican lore. ~
Quilt Show - 6PM-8PM - Wesley United Methodist Church
(8 North St.) - Come view beautifully crafted quilts. There will also be vendors, a silent auction and food and beverages available. Rain or Shine. Admission: $5 (to benefit the Church Building Fund). For more info email info@salemwesley.org
Saturday, August 3
Boston Tough Kids - 9AM – Dead Horse Beach – Salem Willows - Young athletes put your athleticism to the test in a swim, bike and run. For kids 4-14. Each athlete is treated like a professional at this~inspiring event. Entry fee $40 ($45 race day). For more information log onto: www.bnsfitness.com (formerly known as Haunted City Youth Triathlon)
Quilt Show – 9AM-3PM - Wesley United Methodist Church
(8 North St.) (see Aug. 2 for description)
25th Annual Salem Maritime Festival – Noon-4PM – Salem Maritime National Park on Derby Wharf - The 25th annual Salem Maritime Festival will host an exciting array of FREE family fun festivities, including free harbor cruises, traditional craft demonstrations, seaside kite flying and a “Muck Walk. Come cruise, sail, paddle, and row through four centuries of Salem maritime history. Explore the Friendship of Salem and visiting vessels. Enjoy continuous music throughout the day. For more information log onto: www.nps.gov/sama/planyourvisit/maritimefestival.htm
Firemen’s Muster – 12:30PM - Salem Willows (Dead Horse Beach area) - Which crew can throw the longest stream of water with an antique hand pumped fire engine? Come and see a 19th century sport that is being kept alive in the 21st century by a bunch of historic preservationists who like to get wet!
Sunday, August 4
Bridge & Back 10K Road Race – 8AM – Tavern in the Square (corner of Washington & New Derby Sts.)
BRAND NEW EVENT – The race will cross the Salem/Beverly Bridge from Salem and run in Beverly and return to Salem. The Race is being sponsored by the Tavern in the Square and all proceeds go to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem. For more info visit www.salemroadraces.com
Tour-A-Truck – 10AM-NOON – Salem Willows
Youngsters get a chance to climb and explore the insides of all kinds of big trucks.
Wild Fish 1 Mile~& 2 Mile Swim - 10AM – Collins Cove Beach (Webb St.)
Swimmers from all over the North East will test their endurance in a one or two mile swim in a calm ocean water cove. All swimmers will receive a swim cap and, the first 150 to signup will receive tech shirt and cinch sak. Pre-Reg $40. Race Day : $45. Registration will open at 8:30am. For more information log onto: www.bnsfitness.com
Button Making Workshop – 1PM – 3PM – Artist Row
BRAND NEW EVENT – Come visit the Salem Collective of Artists and Musicians at~Artist Row where local artist, Tori Kendrew, will be hosting~a free button-making workshop. For more information contact:~salemcollective@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/salemcollective or 978-219-7226.
Monday, August 5
Senior Event: Ice Cream Social – 11:30AM – 5 Broad St.
The Salem Council on Aging will host an ice cream social. Guests may choose from chocolate or vanilla ice cream and an assortment of toppings. This event is free and open to Salem Seniors 60 and older.~ To register call 978-744-0924.
Monday, August 5 (cont.)
Salem's Best Pizza Competition – 5PM-7PM – Salem Common
Come decide which Salem restaurant has the best pizza. Bring the whole family. We will award the top adult and kids pick.
$5 Adults / $3 Kids. For more information contact the Salem YMCA at 978-744-0351.
Mayor’s Night Out – 5PM-7PM – Bridge St.
Join Congressman John Tierney Representative John Keenan and a group of about 30-40 guests and visit three different establishments on Bridge Street Neck for a bite and a drink, with the last stop being The Black Lobster, where an awards ceremony for the Bridge Street Neck Pride Contests will take place. Participants will also be treated to a mini-walking tour with historian Jim McAllister. Tickets are available for sale at the Salem Chamber of Commerce ($20 p.p./cash bar). For more information and tickets please call 978-744-0004.
Salem Community Concert Band & Community Jazz Band
7PM-9PM – Salem Willows Shell - Come listen to two bands made up of Salem residents from Grade 8 through adult. Led under the direction of Cynthia Napierkowski, director of the Salem High School Band. Rain location: Salem High School Auditorium~
Tuesday, August 6
The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St.
20% off Family Admission for Salem residents. Proof of residency is required.
Senior Event:~ The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St.
Salem residents age 65 and older can visit the House of the 7 Gables free of charge.~ Proof of age and residency is required.
Senior Event: BBQ - 11AM-1PM - Winter Island
The Salem Council on Aging will host a barbecue at the Winter Island pavilion for Salem Seniors 60 and older Tickets are $5 and are on sale until July 23rd at the Senior Center, 5 Broad St. For more information, call 978-744-0924.
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum - Come tour the historic houses at the Peabody Essex Museum and experience three centuries of Salem. (Tour free with museum admission to out-of-town patrons and free to Salem Residents - Space is limited – First come first serve). All patrons must check in at admission desk prior to tour. For more information contact the PEM at 978-745-9500.
Story Time at the Witch House – 5PM-5:30PM
310 ½ Essex St. - Curious tales for the young read aloud in the Witch House's 17th century kitchen. Free. For more information contact 978-744-8815 or email info@witchhouse.info
Ice Scream Bowl - 6PM-7:30PM – Salem Common
We all scream for ICE-CREAM! Indulge your sweet tooth!~ Sample flavors from many of the North Shore's finest creameries, ice cream shops and restaurants. Bring the whole family. $5 Adults / $3 Kids. Proceeds to benefit Salem Park & Recreation programs and Salem's Celebrate the 4th event. For more information contact 978-619-5676.
Wednesday, August 7
2nd Annual Senior Wellness Fair – 9AM-1PM – Salem High School Field House, 77 Willson St. - Senior service-related agencies from all over the North Shore will hand out information, hold free giveaways and answer questions. The Senior Charlie Card applications will be taken for Salem residents 60+ with proof of ID. Farmers’ Market coupons will be available to income-eligible Salem seniors, identification and proof of income is required for Farmer’s Market coupons only. For more information, call 978-744-0924.
Senior Event:~ The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St. -
Salem residents age 65 and older can visit the House of the 7 Gables free of charge.~ Proof of age and residency is required.
The House of the Seven Gables – 10AM-7PM - 115 Derby St.
20% off Family Admission for Salem residents. Proof of residency is required.
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 6 for description)
Witches Cup Bike Race – 4PM – 8PM – Salem Common
The 2013 Witches Cup presents bicycle racing for both men and women at all levels. For more information log onto www.witchescup.com
Lip Sync Night – 5PM-6:30PM – Salem Willows Shell
We're doing it again. Would you like to perform? We are looking for groups of 2 or more. Participants should be between the ages of 6-14. Please bring your own music in CD form only. Prizes awarded to top three performances. You must pre-register at the Salem Park, Recreation~& Community Services Department, 5 Broad Street by Aug. 5th. For more information, please contact Tim Short at 978-744-0180, ext. 20 or tshort@salem.com.
Dance Enthusiasm Performance – 7PM-9PM – Salem Willows Shell -
You won't want to miss the amazing performances of Salem's Dance Enthusiasm Dance Company, winners of hundreds of awards at dance competitions across the United States.
Comedy Night - 7PM-10PM - FINZ – Pickering Wharf
Featuring headliner Paul D'Angelo and Boston favorite Mitch Stinson. $10 per ticket.~ Cash bar, raffles, and food available for purchase.~ For tickets call or visit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem, 13 Hawthorne Boulevard (978) 744-0915.~ Tickets may also be purchased at the door.~ This event is for those ages 21+
Thursday, August 8
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 6 for description)
The House of the Seven Gables – 1PM – 4PM - 115 Derby Street - Experience 17th Century games on our beautiful seaside lawn. Free event.
Farmers' Market – 3PM-7PM - Derby Square
Come visit us at Historic Derby Square on Front Street in Downtown Salem the market is held every Thursday evening from 3:00PM - 7:00PM through October.
Window Box & Traffic Island Awards Ceremony – 5:30PM – Brook House – 180 Derby St.
Please join the Salem Garden Club and the Salem Beautification Committee as they award the winners of the City's window box competition and traffic island sponsorship program. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony.
'Roaring 20s' Senior Dinner Dance – 4PM-7PM – Moose Lodge
50 Grove St. - Salem's seniors are invited to a night of dinner and dancing. Tickets are $5 per person, $6 with transportation and are available until August 1st. For tickets and more information contact the Council on Aging at 978-744-0924.
Movie on the Common –~Dark (8:30PM)~– Salem Common - Bring a blanket or a chair and enjoy a family-friendly movie (tba).
Friday, August 9
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 6 for description)
The House of the Seven Gables – 1PM – 3PM – 115 Derby St.
BRAND NEW EVENT FREE storytelling sessions in English and Spanish featuring traditional tales from the Caribbean. Families are invited to hear how a group of nimitas, or fireflies, weathered a fearsome hurricane in the Caribbean to find new lives in the United States. Come enjoy spellbinding stories about ciguapas, or mermaid-like creatures, and about the secretive “Indians of the Waters” who live in underwater caves.
Kids Night – 5PM-7:30PM – Salem Common
The Salem YMCA will transform the Salem Common into a paradise for children with moon bounces, rides, games and arts & crafts. $3 per child will pay for unlimited rides. For more information contact the Salem YMCA at 978-744-0351. (rain location: Salem YMCA, Sewall Street)
Saturday, August 10
Motorcycle Noise Testing – 9AM-Noon – Salem High School - 77 Willson St. - BRAND NEW EVENT – The Salem, Beverly, and Lynn Police Departments will be conducting motorcycle exhaust system sound checks. Area motorcycle riders are encouraged to stop by the checkpoint and have their motorcycle exhaust pipes tested at no cost and without fines. Riders will be provided with information about legal sound levels and ways to operate a motorcycle that minimize exhaust noise while operating within city limits
Essex Street Fair – 10AM-6PM – Essex St. Pedestrian Mall
Fun for all ages this street festival has something for everyone.
Crafts, jewelry, paintings, stained glass, and other unique items will be featured along the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall.
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 6 for description)
Saturday, August 10 (cont.)
Card Making Workshop – 3PM – 5PM – Artist Row
BRAND NEW EVENT – Come visit the Salem Collective of Artists and Musicians at~Artist Row where local artist, Lucy Wonson, will be hosting~a free card-making workshop. ~For more information contact:~For more information contact: salemcollective@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/salemcollective or 978-219-7226.
IMPROV on the BRICKS – 3PM– 3:45PM - Derby Square
Join the Salem Theatre Company for their annual free improv comedy bash. Bring a lawn chair! Bring padding! It's improv on a hard surface and anything can happen! For more information visit www.salemtheatre.com.
Salem Jazz & Soul Festival, Berklee Summer Series Concert - 5PM–7PM - Derby Square (in case of rain, event will be held at The Vault - 217 Essex Street.) This concert features~ Nick Hakim a singer/songwriter from Washington D.C. who has been been playing venues in Boston and New York. The band has been cultivating their sound in preparation for his upcoming record set to be released in 2013. For more information visit www.salemjazzsoul.com
Ladies Night Out Run, Wine & Chocolate – 4PM - SSU O'Keefe Center - BRAND NEW EVENT – The event ladies everywhere have been waiting for! Begin the event with a 5K run/walk and cross the finish line on a red carpet to be greeted by handsome gentlemen offering flowers. Finish the night with mouth-watering fine chocolates, hors d'oeuvres and wine (or sparkling cider). Registration fess $35-$70. For more information visit www.bnsfitness.com
Sunday, August 11
Essex Street Fair –10AM-6PM – Essex St. Pedestrian Mall
(see Aug. 11 for full description)
Get to The Point: Neighborhood Narratives 10am – 6pm Essex St. Pedestrian Mall~ - Join Salem Public Space Project for an interactive installation of neighborhood stories, maps and postcards from Salem residents. What’s your story?
Shelter to Showpiece House Tour – 11AM – Peabody Essex Museum (see Aug. 6 for description)
Phillips House 12th Annual Antique Car Meet – NOON–3PM –34 Chestnut Street - Join Historic New England's Phillips House and the North Shore Old Car Club for the 12th Annual Car Meet, where vintage and antique vehicles are displayed on historic Chestnut Street. Also see the Phillips family's collection of carriages, two Pierce-Arrows, and a Model A Ford. Free admission. For more information, call 978-744-0440 or visit http://www.historicnewengland.org
IMPROV on the BRICKS – 3PM– 3:455PM - Derby Square
(see Aug. 10 for full description)
The 3rd Annual Salem's Chiptune, Electronica and Noise Extravaganza (S.C.E.N.E.) Sunset Hang– 3PM-9PM – Salem Willows Shell - Join local vj's, dj's and live electronic musicians as they showcase their amazing talent and new music that might otherwise be overlooked by the mainstream. For more information log onto: www.radioscotvoid.com
For updates, new event listings, and more information, including cancellations, keep checking www.salem.com or contact Salem City Hall at 978-619-5676.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Situational Awareness Statement: ISO New England Electricity Conservation Request
With ongoing high temperatures, ISO New England is forecasting New England’s electricity usage to reach near record-breaking levels throughout the week. Although power system resources are currently adequate, supplies are likely to become tight. As a precautionary step, ISO New England is requesting voluntary electricity conversation. ISO New England suggests several ways to reduce electricity consumption and advises that these measures be taken consistent with one’s health and safety:
• Raise air conditioning thermostats by a few degrees if health permits. A suggested temperature range is between 74°F–78°F
• Turn off unneeded lights and appliances
• Turn off unnecessary office equipment
• Shut off air conditioners when leaving home for extended periods of time
• Defer laundry and other chores requiring electricity until the early morning or late evening hours
Salem Intermodal Station Improvements: Parking Lot Closing July 20
On Saturday, July 20, 2013, the parking lot at Salem Station will be closed to allow the MBTA’s contractor to begin work on construction of the new Salem Intermodal Station and Garage Improvements. The contractor, Consigli Construction, will begin preparing the site for construction that day.
The MBTA has been working closely with the City of Salem to ensure that many current services can remain on site during construction. Services that will remain on site will include MBTA Commuter Rail service, MBTA bus service, the current accessible parking spaces, “The Ride” pick-up and drop-off and the current bicycle storage racks. The station kiss n' ride will be relocated at two locations off the current site. The first will be Bridge Street on the ramp to Route 114 in front of the existing pedestrian ramp and stairs to the station below. The second will be in the westbound lane of Bridge Street, just before the existing entrance to the station. Pedestrians will be able to access the station at the current locations and will be directed on the site along pedestrian paths to the platforms. Taxis will be relocated to the first block on Washington Street, with a space for spillover onto Federal Street. Automobile parking will be moved off site to make room for construction.
Those of you who live outside of Salem, please consider a variety of other travel options, including driving to and parking at other stations (Lynn Garage, Montserrat Station in Beverly, Swampscott Station, North Beverly Station and Wonderland in Revere). Other options include taking the Salem to Boston Fast Ferry or riding the 459 bus from Salem Depot to Downtown Crossing. A full list of alternatives with details on cost and access is available at www.BuildingSalem.com. You can also visit the MBTA’s website to sign up for “T Alerts” for the Newburyport/Rockport line.
The MBTA bus stop at the station will be relocated in the next few weeks to the City of Salem lot adjacent to the station. Bus 465, which currently stops on Washington Street between Federal and Bridge Streets, will move one block east, in front of Tabernacle Church.
The City of Salem is completing construction of a parking lot on Bridge Street (known as the Universal Steel site). The City anticipates that parking will be available at this site in mid-August. Notices will be posted when the lot is open. Currently the City of Salem is providing 30 parking spaces available at the Alpha Auto Sales lot, adjacent to the Universal Steel lot on Bridge Street.
While the project will pose some inconvenience to customers, the end result will be a new high-level platform; sheltered waiting areas; bicycle, pedestrian, and bus areas; and a parking garage. Input from the City and many of you, who attended planning meetings, has contributed to a successful process. The MBTA and the City of Salem ask for your patience as they work through the parking lot closure. Updates will be posted on the Building Salem site and the MBTA’s website. Please take care to follow signs directing you around the construction. The MBTA will meet with the community this fall to report on their progress and check in with you as the construction advances.
The MBTA has been working closely with the City of Salem to ensure that many current services can remain on site during construction. Services that will remain on site will include MBTA Commuter Rail service, MBTA bus service, the current accessible parking spaces, “The Ride” pick-up and drop-off and the current bicycle storage racks. The station kiss n' ride will be relocated at two locations off the current site. The first will be Bridge Street on the ramp to Route 114 in front of the existing pedestrian ramp and stairs to the station below. The second will be in the westbound lane of Bridge Street, just before the existing entrance to the station. Pedestrians will be able to access the station at the current locations and will be directed on the site along pedestrian paths to the platforms. Taxis will be relocated to the first block on Washington Street, with a space for spillover onto Federal Street. Automobile parking will be moved off site to make room for construction.
Those of you who live outside of Salem, please consider a variety of other travel options, including driving to and parking at other stations (Lynn Garage, Montserrat Station in Beverly, Swampscott Station, North Beverly Station and Wonderland in Revere). Other options include taking the Salem to Boston Fast Ferry or riding the 459 bus from Salem Depot to Downtown Crossing. A full list of alternatives with details on cost and access is available at www.BuildingSalem.com. You can also visit the MBTA’s website to sign up for “T Alerts” for the Newburyport/Rockport line.
The MBTA bus stop at the station will be relocated in the next few weeks to the City of Salem lot adjacent to the station. Bus 465, which currently stops on Washington Street between Federal and Bridge Streets, will move one block east, in front of Tabernacle Church.
The City of Salem is completing construction of a parking lot on Bridge Street (known as the Universal Steel site). The City anticipates that parking will be available at this site in mid-August. Notices will be posted when the lot is open. Currently the City of Salem is providing 30 parking spaces available at the Alpha Auto Sales lot, adjacent to the Universal Steel lot on Bridge Street.
While the project will pose some inconvenience to customers, the end result will be a new high-level platform; sheltered waiting areas; bicycle, pedestrian, and bus areas; and a parking garage. Input from the City and many of you, who attended planning meetings, has contributed to a successful process. The MBTA and the City of Salem ask for your patience as they work through the parking lot closure. Updates will be posted on the Building Salem site and the MBTA’s website. Please take care to follow signs directing you around the construction. The MBTA will meet with the community this fall to report on their progress and check in with you as the construction advances.
Commuter Rail,
Parking changes,
Parking Issues,
Salem Station
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Electronic Waste Drop-Off
Do you have an old air conditioner, computer, TV monitor or other hard-to-get rid of appliance? Instead of clogging up our dumpster, why not recycle them? Starting July 1, 2013 Salem Residents can drop off the following items FREE of charge, the last Saturday of the month at the Department of Public Services, 5 Jefferson Avenue, from 8am until noon.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
An urgent message for residents of 24 Norman Street who usually park in Riley Plaza.
This Saturday, June 29th , between approximately 10:00 AM and noon Riley Plaza will be used as a staging area for the annual North Shore Pride parade.
The police will make every effort to allow access to parking for those cars with permits. However, there is sure to be some unavoidable disruption.
This Saturday, June 29th , between approximately 10:00 AM and noon Riley Plaza will be used as a staging area for the annual North Shore Pride parade.
The police will make every effort to allow access to parking for those cars with permits. However, there is sure to be some unavoidable disruption.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Salem Celebrates the 4th
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Salem celebrates Independence-Day at Derby Wharf, Salem Maritime Area. Photo courtesy of Essex National Heritage Commission. |
Mayor Kimberley Driscoll is pleased to announce that there will be a full afternoon and evening of exciting entertainment at the Salem Maritime National Historic Site on Derby Wharf on Thursday, July 4th. This family-friendly celebration has proven to be one of Salem's signature events, drawing record breaking crowds year after year.
"Last year Salem was recognized by American Profile, a national publication, as one of the top ten best places in America to celebrate the 4th and this year will be no different,” Mayor Driscoll stated. “Celebrating July 4th in Salem is as good as it gets. It's not just an amazing fireworks display, we have live entertainment from beginning to end, so come early and stay late."
Salem's residential and business community has come together to ensure that this first-class event continues, even in this difficult financial climate. Mayor Driscoll commented, "I am truly grateful that Salem's residents and businesses continue to generously support this annual celebration,” Mayor Driscoll commented. “I’d like to express a special thank you to Footprint Power - Salem Harbor Station and to Salem Five, along with Aggregate Industries, Tache Real Estate, Market Basket, Eastern Bank, KV Associates, and Tavern in the Square. Without their generosity and our other many sponsors, this event would not be possible."
Live entertainment on the Main Stage begins at 4:00 p.m. with the band Britannica and continues at 5:30 p.m. with Julie Dougherty and Friends. Both Salem-based bands are local favorites and are a great way to put everyone in the holiday spirit.
Free children's activities begin at 4:00 p.m. with the opening of the Kids' Space, where young ones can play games, do crafts, and get their face painted, all thanks to the generosity of the Gathering, the MeetingHouse Church, the Salem Beautification Committee, and the Salem YMCA. Food tents open at 4:00 p.m., with plenty of hot dogs, french fries, fried dough, kettle corn, and other fair favorites.
Opening Ceremonies begin at 7:15 p.m. when Mayor Driscoll, Congressman John Tierney, and National Park Superintendent Michael Quijano-West – accompanied by the Salem Veterans Color Guard and Salem Boy Scout troops – will parade down the wharf to welcome the crowd. Salem High School students Lydia Grasberger and Samantha Dupuis will lead the crowd in the singing of the National Anthem. This year the venue, the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, celebrates its 75th Anniversary as the first historic site established by the National Park Service in 1938.
Following the Opening Ceremonies there will be a two-hour 'POPS' concert performed by the 40-piece Hillyer Festival Orchestra (HFO). The HFO has become a widely acclaimed 'POPS' orchestra in the greater Boston area. This year's featured soloist, Rebecca Robbins, is currently performing on Broadway in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of The Opera at the Majestic Theatre. Dr. Dirk Hillyer, the orchestra's conductor, has selected songs from Rags and Candide to showcase Ms. Robbins lyric soprano voice.
Even intermission is jammed packed with live entertainment, with performers from the Marblehead Little Theatre's production of Spamalot taking to the Main Stage.
At 9:15 p.m, Salem ends its Independence Day celebration with a fireworks extravaganza, accompanied by the Hillyer Festival Orchestra playing the 1812 Overture and other patriotic music throughout the entire fireworks display.
Part of the allure of this celebration is its setting. The first National Historic Site in the National Park System, Salem Maritime National Historic Site consists of nine acres of waterfront land and houses a dozen historic structures. These include the Custom House, where famed author Nathaniel Hawthorne worked, and Derby Wharf, which was used by America's first millionaire Salem merchant Elias Hasket Derby. Historic Salem Harbor, with hundreds of boats moored and the replica of a 1700's sailing vessel, the Friendship, as a backdrop, Independence Day in Salem is filled with the history that helped make American the free nation it is today.
Reading of the Declaration of Independence - July 4 - 9:00AM - Salem Common
Also on July 4th, join Mayor Driscoll on Salem Common at 9:00 a.m. for the reading of the Declaration of Independence. The special program begins with the Star Spangled Banner, sung by Salem High School's award-winning a cappella group “Witch Pitch?”. This year the Declaration of Independence will be recited by Dann Anthony Maurno. Dann is a Salem resident and actor who has appeared onstage in a variety of area venues, including the Salem Theatre Company. An author, his short story "Something Real Fine" won a Salem Literary Festival award for best fiction. Musical selections will be performed by Robert Kendall on keyboard and local singer Maureen Dalton ends the program with America the Beautiful.
July 4th is the perfect day to spend in historic Salem, Massachusetts. Start off bright and early at Salem Common for the reading of the Declaration of Independence, spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon visiting the City’s numerous historic sites and attractions, dine at one of dozens of remarkable restaurants, and end your day at historic Derby Wharf for one of the most spectacular live concerts and fireworks extravaganzas anywhere in Massachusetts.
For more information check www.salem.com or call Salem City Hall at 978-745-9595, ext. 5676.
For information regarding our mobility impaired/wheelchair seating section, please call 978-745-9595, ext. 5676.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Salem MBTA Station Parking Lot CLOSING
For those of you who commute into Boston or the surrounding communities from Salem, the MBTA Salem Station Parking Lot and the Salem City Parking Lot will be closing effective Saturday June 20, 2013 for construction of the Salem Station Improvements and Parking Garage.
Commuter parking is available at Lynn Garage, Montserrat Station in Beverly, Swampscott Station and North Beverly Station.
The City of Salem is completing construction of a parking lot on Bridge Street that is anticipated to be available in August 2013. Notices will be posted when this parking lot is available.
Handicap Accessible parking at Salem Station will remain open during construction.
MBTA customer service: 617-222-3200 or 800-392-6100 – TTY 617-222-5146
Commuter Rail,
Municipal Projects,
Parking changes
Friday, June 7, 2013
New BuildingSalem Website Is Now Live:
If you want to check out what is going on with building projects around the city, Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll announced today that the BuildingSalem website – www.BuildingSalem.com – is now live.
BuildingSalem is a public information effort to streamline communications and address constituent concerns related to major construction projects in Salem, as the City prepares to undergo nearly $1.5 billion in public and private projects over the next few years.
The primary goal of BuildingSalem is to limit disruption to our neighborhoods and businesses to the greatest extent possible and facilitate better communication between project partners, residents, and City government.
The initiative is also on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/BuildingSalem and Twitter at @buildingsalem. The BuildingSalem direct line at City Hall is 978-619-5605.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Salem Farmer's Market 2013
Prepare yourself for fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, honey, live lobsters, artisan breads, pastries, local cheeses and meat, as well as live music every Thursday from 3-7. The 2013 Salem Farmer's Market starts June 13th and runs through till October 24th. Held in Derby Square on Front Street, right by the Old Town Hall. For more information visit salemfarmersmarket.org
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Rain and the Doors
With all the rainy weather we've been having this week, just a reminder that when it rains, both the front and back wooden doors swell and will sometimes not close all the way on their own. When you go in or out please take a moment to make sure that the door is fully closed and latched. Not much sense in trying to have a secure building if people go around leaving the doors open. Thanks!
Back Door,
Front Door,
Security Issues,
Weather Issues
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Salem Commuter Rail Drill!
The MBTA is looking for volunteers from the public to participate in a Salem Commuter Rail Drill!
Sunday morning, June 2nd, 2013 the MBTA, MBCR, and City of Salem will be conducting a joint commuter rail emergency evacuation drill in Salem. For added realism, we are looking for volunteers to act in the role of passengers during a simulated Halloween incident. Costumes are encouraged but optional.
This is a great opportunity for residents of Salem to support public safety efforts in their community. Volunteers will experience first-hand a train evacuation coordinated by first responders inside a tunnel. Food will be served, all volunteers will receive a participation certificate and participation counts as four credit hours for EMTs.
To register or learn more, please visit
Please contact Ed Gincauskis MassDOT Emergency Management Coordinatorwith any questions,
E-Mail: edward.w.gincauskis@state.ma.us Office: 617-222-3941
*More information regarding this drill will be posted on www.salem.com next week.
The information in this posting is just to recruit volunteers.
Sunday morning, June 2nd, 2013 the MBTA, MBCR, and City of Salem will be conducting a joint commuter rail emergency evacuation drill in Salem. For added realism, we are looking for volunteers to act in the role of passengers during a simulated Halloween incident. Costumes are encouraged but optional.
This is a great opportunity for residents of Salem to support public safety efforts in their community. Volunteers will experience first-hand a train evacuation coordinated by first responders inside a tunnel. Food will be served, all volunteers will receive a participation certificate and participation counts as four credit hours for EMTs.
To register or learn more, please visit
Please contact Ed Gincauskis MassDOT Emergency Management Coordinatorwith any questions,
E-Mail: edward.w.gincauskis@state.ma.us Office: 617-222-3941
*More information regarding this drill will be posted on www.salem.com next week.
The information in this posting is just to recruit volunteers.
City of Salem,
Community Events,
Commuter Rail,
Friday, April 26, 2013
Residential Streets To Be Swept May 13-24
It's that time of year again...
Mayor Kimberley Driscoll today announced that the City of Salem’s Street Sweeping Program will begin on Monday, April 29th on Salem's entrance corridors. Then, beginning on May 13th, sweepers will start cleaning residential streets in neighborhoods.
"After a winter of record breaking snow amounts, street sweepers are a welcome sight. We are committed to cleaning this city street by street starting on April 29th,” stated Mayor Driscoll.
The first Entrance Corridor sweep will begin on Monday, April 29th and continue through May 10th. Residents should consult the 'No Parking/Tow Zone' signs posted along each of these entrance corridors that notify drivers of what day parking restrictions are in effect. As in the past, entrance corridor sweeping schedules alternate between the odd and even sides of the street so residents are able to alternate parking their cars on the opposite side of the street during scheduled sweeping days. Parking is prohibited from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on scheduled sweep days. This year the City will be sweeping Entrance Corridors three times throughout the spring, summer and fall (see schedule on salem.com for more details).
Beginning Monday, May 13th and running through May 24th residential neighborhood street sweeping will take place on both sides of the street on the same day. Each neighborhood route will be posted with temporary ‘No Parking/Tow Zone’ signs and parking will be prohibited between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
John Tomasz, Director of Public Services, stated, "In order for the sweepers to do their job, I would like to ask all residents to pay attention to the no parking signs posted for street sweeping and to remove your cars from the street on your designated sweeping day," John Tomasz, Director of Public Services, stated. "Our goal is to clean the streets, not to tow cars, so please park accordingly during scheduled street sweeping days."
City streets will be broken down into two zones. Streets in Zone One will be swept during the week of May 13 – 17 and streets in Zone Two will be swept during the week of May 20 – 24 (see schedule on salem.com for more details). Residents will be able to use entrance corridor streets (Boston St., Bridge St., Essex St. [from Boston St. to Washington St.], Lafayette St. [from Dow St. to Marblehead line], Loring Ave., and North St.) as alternative parking areas on the day of their neighborhood sweep. Once a street is swept, residents will be able to move their vehicles back onto their street.
Sweep days are the next day after the regularly scheduled trash day. To find a specific street sweeping date, locate what zone the street is in on the 2013 Residential Street Sweeping Schedule, and match it with the calendar. Monday sweep schedules are for the preceding Friday's trash day. For example, if you live on Atlantic Street, which has a Friday trash pickup, are located in Zone One both sides of the street will be swept on Monday, May 13. For a detailed schedule, log onto the Department of Public Works page on the “Departments” site at www.salem.com, pick one up at City Hall or the Salem Public Library, or call the DPS office at 978-744-3302.
To help get the word out, the City will use its CodeRed automated calling system. Also the street sweeping schedule will be posted on the News & Announcements page and Department of Public Works page on the City's website (www.salem.com). Hard copies will be available at the DPW garage, Salem City Hall, and the Salem Public Library. To have a schedule sent by mail call the Public Services Department at 978-744-3302. Illuminated message boards will be placed throughout the city announcing street sweeping and temporary tow zone signs will be placed throughout designated sweeping areas.
Certain weather conditions prohibit the use of the street sweepers: during moderate to heavy rainfall and extreme cold temperatures sweepers will not be able to operate. Weather cancellations will be posted on www.salem.com.
One of the many ways the City will notify residents regarding street sweeping is through the CodeRED automated calling system, so this is a perfect time to register. Residents and businesses can add their telephone numbers, cellular phone numbers, and/or email addresses to the new CodeRED system. To register, residents and businesses can log onto the city's website www.salem.com and click on the CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment' icon.
It only takes a minute and will ensure notification of emergency and non-emergency messages from the City of Salem.
Another method of communication used for street sweeping information is the City's email updates. Individuals can sign-up to receive a variety of notices by clicking the green ‘E-Mail Subscriber’ button on the left side of www.salem.com and checking the News & Announcements category.
Residents are urged to register for both the CodeRED and www.salem.com E-Mail Subscriber systems, as the City uses each system independently.
Residential Streets To Be Swept May 13-24
It's that time of year again...
Mayor Kimberley Driscoll today announced that the City of Salem’s Street Sweeping Program will begin on Monday, April 29th on Salem's entrance corridors. Then, beginning on May 13th, sweepers will start cleaning residential streets in neighborhoods.
"After a winter of record breaking snow amounts, street sweepers are a welcome sight. We are committed to cleaning this city street by street starting on April 29th,” stated Mayor Driscoll.
The first Entrance Corridor sweep will begin on Monday, April 29th and continue through May 10th. Residents should consult the 'No Parking/Tow Zone' signs posted along each of these entrance corridors that notify drivers of what day parking restrictions are in effect. As in the past, entrance corridor sweeping schedules alternate between the odd and even sides of the street so residents are able to alternate parking their cars on the opposite side of the street during scheduled sweeping days. Parking is prohibited from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on scheduled sweep days. This year the City will be sweeping Entrance Corridors three times throughout the spring, summer and fall (see schedule on salem.com for more details).
Beginning Monday, May 13th and running through May 24th residential neighborhood street sweeping will take place on both sides of the street on the same day. Each neighborhood route will be posted with temporary ‘No Parking/Tow Zone’ signs and parking will be prohibited between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
John Tomasz, Director of Public Services, stated, "In order for the sweepers to do their job, I would like to ask all residents to pay attention to the no parking signs posted for street sweeping and to remove your cars from the street on your designated sweeping day," John Tomasz, Director of Public Services, stated. "Our goal is to clean the streets, not to tow cars, so please park accordingly during scheduled street sweeping days."
City streets will be broken down into two zones. Streets in Zone One will be swept during the week of May 13 – 17 and streets in Zone Two will be swept during the week of May 20 – 24 (see schedule on salem.com for more details). Residents will be able to use entrance corridor streets (Boston St., Bridge St., Essex St. [from Boston St. to Washington St.], Lafayette St. [from Dow St. to Marblehead line], Loring Ave., and North St.) as alternative parking areas on the day of their neighborhood sweep. Once a street is swept, residents will be able to move their vehicles back onto their street.
Sweep days are the next day after the regularly scheduled trash day. To find a specific street sweeping date, locate what zone the street is in on the 2013 Residential Street Sweeping Schedule, and match it with the calendar. Monday sweep schedules are for the preceding Friday's trash day. For example, if you live on Atlantic Street, which has a Friday trash pickup, are located in Zone One both sides of the street will be swept on Monday, May 13. For a detailed schedule, log onto the Department of Public Works page on the “Departments” site at www.salem.com, pick one up at City Hall or the Salem Public Library, or call the DPS office at 978-744-3302.
To help get the word out, the City will use its CodeRed automated calling system. Also the street sweeping schedule will be posted on the News & Announcements page and Department of Public Works page on the City's website (www.salem.com). Hard copies will be available at the DPW garage, Salem City Hall, and the Salem Public Library. To have a schedule sent by mail call the Public Services Department at 978-744-3302. Illuminated message boards will be placed throughout the city announcing street sweeping and temporary tow zone signs will be placed throughout designated sweeping areas.
Certain weather conditions prohibit the use of the street sweepers: during moderate to heavy rainfall and extreme cold temperatures sweepers will not be able to operate. Weather cancellations will be posted on www.salem.com.
One of the many ways the City will notify residents regarding street sweeping is through the CodeRED automated calling system, so this is a perfect time to register. Residents and businesses can add their telephone numbers, cellular phone numbers, and/or email addresses to the new CodeRED system. To register, residents and businesses can log onto the city's website www.salem.com and click on the CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment' icon.
It only takes a minute and will ensure notification of emergency and non-emergency messages from the City of Salem.
Another method of communication used for street sweeping information is the City's email updates. Individuals can sign-up to receive a variety of notices by clicking the green ‘E-Mail Subscriber’ button on the left side of www.salem.com and checking the News & Announcements category.
Residents are urged to register for both the CodeRED and www.salem.com E-Mail Subscriber systems, as the City uses each system independently.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
City of Salem 2013 Rabies Clinic
City of Salem 2013 Rabies Clinic
Sponsored by "VANS" Veterinary Association of the North Shore
For those of you at 24 Norman Street with cats, a 2013 Rabies Clinic will be held Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 from 4:00-6:00pm at the rear of the Salem Police Headquarters, 95 Margin Street.
The cost is $10 per animal cash or personal check only.
Three year vaccinations will only be given if you bring previous RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE (not receipts or tags) that prove up-to-date and previous vaccine status.
All proceeds to benefit scholarship fund for veterinary students from the North Shore.
Dogs and cats, over the age of 12 weeks only, please.
All vaccinations will be good for one year without a valid Rabies vaccination certificate.
Any questions call A.C.O. Donald Famico at 978-744-0171 x 121.
Please be careful when driving and walking about the Police Department as there is active cruiser traffic occurring.
Click here for more information
Sponsored by "VANS" Veterinary Association of the North Shore
For those of you at 24 Norman Street with cats, a 2013 Rabies Clinic will be held Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 from 4:00-6:00pm at the rear of the Salem Police Headquarters, 95 Margin Street.
The cost is $10 per animal cash or personal check only.
Three year vaccinations will only be given if you bring previous RABIES VACCINATION CERTIFICATE (not receipts or tags) that prove up-to-date and previous vaccine status.
All proceeds to benefit scholarship fund for veterinary students from the North Shore.
Dogs and cats, over the age of 12 weeks only, please.
All vaccinations will be good for one year without a valid Rabies vaccination certificate.
Any questions call A.C.O. Donald Famico at 978-744-0171 x 121.
Please be careful when driving and walking about the Police Department as there is active cruiser traffic occurring.
Click here for more information
Friday, March 29, 2013
2013-14 Parking Stickers
Salem Residents
2013-14 Parking Stickers
Available April 1, 2013
For entrance to Winter Island Park, Forest River Park
And McCabe Marina & Recreation Area
Salem resident parking stickers can be purchase at:
Council on Aging
5 Broad Street, Salem
Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm
Thursday evenings until 7pm
Winter Island Park Office/Store
50 Winter Island Road, Salem
Beginning on Monday, May 6th, Monday-Friday 8 am - 4 pm
Beginning on Saturday, May 25th, Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 4 pm
$20 for the 1st vehicle ($15 for seniors 60+ & veterans)
$5 for the 2nd vehicle registered to the same Salem address
To obtain your sticker, drive your vehicle to the COA or Winter Island Park Office/Store, show your license and registration, and we will place the sticker on the windshield of your vehicle. If you are requesting a 2nd sticker, bring a copy of the registration for that vehicle, a copy of the driver’s license for the person the vehicle is registered to (if for someone else in your household), and we will give you the 2nd sticker to take with you.
Please Note: Yellow 2011-12 stickers are up for renewal. If you have a Red 2012-13 sticker on your vehicle, it is good through the 2013 season.
Thank you and enjoy all Salem Parks!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
A note from the mayor regarding potholes:
Potholes: 1.A deep natural underground cavity formed by the erosion of rock. 2. A hole in the road caused by extreme weather or excessive use. 3. Another reason that Winter is way overrated (okay this one's my own thought)
Whichever way you define them, potholes are just another sign that Spring has arrived. As much as we like Spring, we don't like potholes and we're hoping you can help us fix/fill them by reporting trouble spots to Potholes@Salem.com. Make sure to include the exact address/location description, and contact name/number if possible. Photos are welcome too.
Our hardworking Department of Public Works personnel will be monitoring this account and assigning crews to fill in/repair pothole locations as we head into the start of Spring.
For any additional questions, you may contact the Salem DPW directly at (978) 744-3302.
Mayor Kim Driscoll
Community Events,
Mayor Driscoll,
Quality of life,
Salem Roads
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Public Art Master Plan Public Meeting Notice
The City of Salem will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 6 PM at the Salem Five Community Room, 210 Essex Street, to discuss a Public Art Master Plan being developed for Salem. Through this planning process, the City, community partners, and residents are being asked to think creatively in establishing a vision that will guide this plan and to consider different locations and approaches for public art in Salem.
Please let us know if you plan to attend by contacting Daniel Sexton at dsexton@salem.com or (978) 619-5685.
Click link for the flyer.
Friday, February 8, 2013
There will be a Snow Emergency in effect beginning at noon time on Friday, February 8, 2013.
Salem Public School will be closed on Friday.
Please remember that during the Snow Emergency a parking ban is in effect, and vehicles must be totally removed from city streets and sidewalks or your vehicle will be ticketed and towed. Ticketing and Towing will begin at noon time and be strictly enforced due to the magnitude of this upcoming storm.
During this storm all downtown municipal lots* will be available for snow emergency parking at no charge and the Museum Place & South Harbor garage snow emergency parking fees will be capped at $5.00. Please note that vehicles must be removed from public and private parking lots, particularly at schools, immediately following the cancellation of the snow emergency, weekends included.
* Municipal Lots include:
Crombie Street, Sewall Street, Riley Plaza, Church Street East & West,
One Salem Green, Front Street, Klop Alley and the municipal lot at the MBTA train station.
We would also like to ask for your assistance in shoveling your sidewalks, hydrants and catch basins near your property. Also, as a reminder it is a violation to plow or blow snow onto city streets.
For more snow emergency information click here for a copy of the City of Salem Snow Brochure.
Please consult the City of Salem's website www.salem.com or the Salem Police Department Snow Emergency line at 978-744-0171, ext. 166 for any updated snow information and for information when the snow emergency parking ban will end.
Once again, a snow emergency has been declared effective at noon time on Friday, February 8, 2013.
Salem Public School will be closed on Friday.
Please remember that during the Snow Emergency a parking ban is in effect, and vehicles must be totally removed from city streets and sidewalks or your vehicle will be ticketed and towed. Ticketing and Towing will begin at noon time and be strictly enforced due to the magnitude of this upcoming storm.
During this storm all downtown municipal lots* will be available for snow emergency parking at no charge and the Museum Place & South Harbor garage snow emergency parking fees will be capped at $5.00. Please note that vehicles must be removed from public and private parking lots, particularly at schools, immediately following the cancellation of the snow emergency, weekends included.
* Municipal Lots include:
Crombie Street, Sewall Street, Riley Plaza, Church Street East & West,
One Salem Green, Front Street, Klop Alley and the municipal lot at the MBTA train station.
We would also like to ask for your assistance in shoveling your sidewalks, hydrants and catch basins near your property. Also, as a reminder it is a violation to plow or blow snow onto city streets.
For more snow emergency information click here for a copy of the City of Salem Snow Brochure.
Please consult the City of Salem's website www.salem.com or the Salem Police Department Snow Emergency line at 978-744-0171, ext. 166 for any updated snow information and for information when the snow emergency parking ban will end.
Once again, a snow emergency has been declared effective at noon time on Friday, February 8, 2013.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
The 2013 annual meeting of the 24 Norman Street Condominium Trust will be held onTuesday, January 22, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. in the Heritage Room of the Heritgae Plaza Condominium at 10 Norman Street (next door lower level) Salem, Massachusetts.
You should have received a packet in the mail recently containing the agenda , proxy form, budget and the 2012 annual meeting minutes. If you have not received this please contact Markwood Management. The agenda will include a review of the 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes, presentation of the finances, old business, new business and the election of trustees.
If you are an owner or tenant please make every effort to attend this meeting.
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