There have been several complaints recently that Markwood has not been getting back to people in a timely fashion when they leave a message. One mitigating factor may be the message itself. If you are calling from a cell phone, especially if you are in a car, the basement, or other area where reception is poor or there is a lot of metal and cement, consider that your message may not be intelligible. We recently had a call from someone in the laundry room that was so garbled, it could not be understood at all. Markwood had no idea who had called or why. All that had was a partial phone number and a very hard to understand name. It is also important that when you leave a message, besides giving your name and phone number to also give your unit number. Sometimes the unit number is the most important piece of information, especially since some tenants have non-local area codes, and it is not always clear if the caller is an owner,a tenant or somebody else.
It is also a good idea to follow up any phone call with an e-mail to Markwood. They can be sent to either Kim Lord at, or to Carol Kenney at
Markwood has noticed that there seem to be many new tenants in the building who have never received a copy of the condo documents, which include the bylaws sound, and other regulations, from the owner (their landlord). It is the unit owners responsibility to provide a copy of the condo documents to their tenant, or to make sure that the tenant has access to them. Although these documents are available for download here on this blog, it is not the responsibility of Markwood Management to make sure that your tenant has received them.
Another owner responsibility is keeping Markwood informed and up to date of any changes in tenancy. If you have neglected to inform Markwood of a new tenant please follow up immediately.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
Tree Trimming!
The trees in front of the building have been trimmed back away from the windows! This was difficult to do as the trees are owned by the city and can only be trimmed by their work crews.
Markwood was finally able to contact the Salem DPW department and secure a date for the trimming. After one aborted appointment (due to rain and wind) the crew was rescheduled and the work was completed last week. The branches are now well away from the front and side of the building. This should reassure owners and tenants in the front of the building who had branches blowing against their windows during the last storm.
Markwood was finally able to contact the Salem DPW department and secure a date for the trimming. After one aborted appointment (due to rain and wind) the crew was rescheduled and the work was completed last week. The branches are now well away from the front and side of the building. This should reassure owners and tenants in the front of the building who had branches blowing against their windows during the last storm.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The New Washing Machine is Finally Here!
After months of waiting, the replacement for the third washing machine, which has been out of commission since June, arrived this last Monday. The company that usually sells and services the washers, Mac-Gray, was slow in responding to our calls. When we finally did get through, the make and model we usually purchase was on back-order due to problems at the Maytag manufacturing facility. We ended up purchasing a Speed Queen Commercial Washer instead.
Customer service sure isn't what it used to be.
Customer service sure isn't what it used to be.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Facade Damage/ Roof Repairs
On October 29-30th, a large section of the copper facade on the front of the building broke away from the roof during the heavy wind/rain storms we had over the Halloween weekend. Maintenance noticed it was loose, and pulled the loose section up onto the roof, securing it so that it would not blow away or fall to the into the street. One of the copper downspouts at the back of the building was also damaged. Markwood is in the process of making arrangements to have these repaired as quickly as possible.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Traffic and Parking Commission Meeting November 2nd
There is a City of Salem Traffic and Parking Commission meeting next Thursday, November 2nd at 120 Washington Street 3rd floor at 6:30 PM. (Item vii on the above agenda). The Bus Parking in Holyoke Square will be discussed at this meeting. Please consider attending to support turning the Bus Spaces back into Automobile Parking spaces. Please pass the word about this meeting by email and social media.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Nothing in the Hallways
You may have received this recent notice from Markwood Management about Halloween decorations in the hallways.
Good afternoon homeowners:
We appreciate that it is impossible to avoid enthusiasm for Halloween when you live in Salem. Unfortunately, we must ask you to remove the decorations many of you have placed in the hallways.
Insurance companies are quite adamant that nothing be placed in in common areas that might in any way be considered a "trip" hazard.
Thank you,
Markwood Management
Basically, do not place or store anything in the common areas (hallways, steps, roof) of the building. This not only includes seasonal decorations of any kind, but also trash bags, furniture, sculptures and There are several good reasons for this policy: These objects constitute a potential hazard and expose us to liability (the insurance for the common areas does not cover your personal items). That could mean problems if visitors or tenants trip on these things (and sue us), if they impede evacuation during a fire, or constitute a fire hazard in and of themselves. There are also problems if someone damages or steals the personal items left in the common areas. This kind of clutter can also make vacuuming more difficult for the cleaners. And lastly, not everyone shares the same taste in "decoration". So please keep all of your personal items inside your unit.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Ward 2 Candidate Forum!
A forum for the two candidates vying to be our next Ward 2 Councilor (Christine Madore / Mary Usovicz) will take place on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3
(See the flier below)
Thank You,
Bob Femino
Co-Chair, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Assn. (GESNA)
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Please Don't Do This
Two items/ reminders.
Do not park motorcycles, scooters, bicycles or anything else on the dumpster side of the building. The dumpster-side driveway is for short term parking only. Parking things like scooters here impedes temporary automobile parking by taking up space in an already small area. There is some parking available for scooters, and motorcycles on the E-market side of the building. Contact Markwood if you have questions about this.
Do not park motorcycles, scooters, bicycles or anything else on the dumpster side of the building. The dumpster-side driveway is for short term parking only. Parking things like scooters here impedes temporary automobile parking by taking up space in an already small area. There is some parking available for scooters, and motorcycles on the E-market side of the building. Contact Markwood if you have questions about this.
You need to break down your cardboard so that it fits inside the containers. Cut it with a knife, tear it, fold it in half but do not place cardboard on the ground outside of the recycling containers.
It is extremely lame. If it rains it makes a soggy mess, and the recycling company will not take items that are not actually in the recycling containers. Perhaps you were expecting someone else to do it for you? That is not a service we provide.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Some Updates and Clarifications
There have been a lot of e-mails lately asking questions about three items: The roof, the windows and the laundry. There has also been a fair amount of rumor, speculation and disinformation. Here is some clarification on what is going on.
The Window Replacement Project:
The proposed window replacements are still in the works. there have been some delays. New Angle Glass, which had originally been the preferred vendor, dropped out of the project because some essential members of their installation team left the company, but they have hired replacements, and are now back in the mix. They have already given estimates to several owners and were trying to work out scheduling for giving several more. Another hold up is getting an energy audit for the building to see if we can qualify for low-interest loans.
We must point out that New Angle Glass was contacted as a courtesy by one of the trustees. (The thinking behind the window project was that the more people we have on board for this the less expensive it will for everyone as lift equipment rental fees and police detail expenses would be divided among many participants. However, window replacement is completely optional and up to the individual unit owners. If you can find a vendor/installer you like better, or can get a better price, or even want to contact new Angle Glass directly, feel free to move ahead on your own.
The Roof:
Many owners have expressed anxiety over the roof repairs not being completed. This is understandable as we head into fall/winter. We were hoping to use the settlement money from National Grid to pay for the roof, but they are being dicks about actually paying us and it looks like we may have to hire a litigator to force them to pay us. However, this won’t prevent us from completing the roof repairs as there is enough money in savings to pay for the roof repair outright. Markwood is trying to get that scheduled for later this month or early October.
Special Assessments:
There are no special assessments planned for the roof or anything else at this time.
The Laundry:
One of the washing machines in the laundry room stopped working about 2 months ago. Markwood looked into repairing it, which was not feasible, so they tried ordering a new machine. There is only one company in our area that handles the sales and service of commercial, coin-operated machines They are a large, busy company and we are a smaller client so their service has lacked a certain urgency. After a month of phone calls, we were finally able to place an order for a new machine only to be told that issues with the manufacturer would further delay it's delivery. So basically, Markwood is on the case, but we are at the mercy of the vendor. We appreciate your patience.
The Window Replacement Project:
The proposed window replacements are still in the works. there have been some delays. New Angle Glass, which had originally been the preferred vendor, dropped out of the project because some essential members of their installation team left the company, but they have hired replacements, and are now back in the mix. They have already given estimates to several owners and were trying to work out scheduling for giving several more. Another hold up is getting an energy audit for the building to see if we can qualify for low-interest loans.
We must point out that New Angle Glass was contacted as a courtesy by one of the trustees. (The thinking behind the window project was that the more people we have on board for this the less expensive it will for everyone as lift equipment rental fees and police detail expenses would be divided among many participants. However, window replacement is completely optional and up to the individual unit owners. If you can find a vendor/installer you like better, or can get a better price, or even want to contact new Angle Glass directly, feel free to move ahead on your own.
The Roof:
Many owners have expressed anxiety over the roof repairs not being completed. This is understandable as we head into fall/winter. We were hoping to use the settlement money from National Grid to pay for the roof, but they are being dicks about actually paying us and it looks like we may have to hire a litigator to force them to pay us. However, this won’t prevent us from completing the roof repairs as there is enough money in savings to pay for the roof repair outright. Markwood is trying to get that scheduled for later this month or early October.
Special Assessments:
There are no special assessments planned for the roof or anything else at this time.
The Laundry:
One of the washing machines in the laundry room stopped working about 2 months ago. Markwood looked into repairing it, which was not feasible, so they tried ordering a new machine. There is only one company in our area that handles the sales and service of commercial, coin-operated machines They are a large, busy company and we are a smaller client so their service has lacked a certain urgency. After a month of phone calls, we were finally able to place an order for a new machine only to be told that issues with the manufacturer would further delay it's delivery. So basically, Markwood is on the case, but we are at the mercy of the vendor. We appreciate your patience.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
SalemRecycles' Free Book Swap
Saturday, September 16 at 10 AM - 1 PM
At the Salem Council on Aging
5 Broad St, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
It's that time of year again! The Fall Book Swap is on Saturday, September 16 at the Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem, MA. "Swapping" isn't necessary -- feel free to drop off, take away, or both!
Thank you for donating only clean, dry, mildew-free items.
All leftover material will be donated or recycled.
Have excess reusable / cloth bags at home? Bring them to the Swap for others to take as needed.
Drop off times are:
• Friday, September 15, 4:00pm - 7:00pm
• Saturday, September 16, 9:00am - noon (swap starts 10AM)
For more info or to volunteer, contact Julie Rose at or (978) 619-5679.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Salem Chamber of Commerce Political Forum at the Salem Waterfront Hotel
For those interested, the Salem Chamber of Commerce is holding a Councilor-At-Large forum tomorrow night for the 8 candidates who are vying for those 4 seats.
Tuesday, August 22
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Please click on the link below for more information about the event and the candidates:
Thank You,
Bob Femino & Barbara Mann
Co-Chairs, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association (GESNA)
Tuesday, August 22
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Please click on the link below for more information about the event and the candidates:
Thank You,
Bob Femino & Barbara Mann
Co-Chairs, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association (GESNA)
Public Meetings,
Salem Politics,
Wards Councilors
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
The Parking Board is going to discuss parking in The Holyoke Square area on Thursday night. (See the attached agenda below). The last ten months have proven that The Bus Parking there is not working. There have been approximately 6000 hours of possible bus parking and buses have only parked there for about 10 to 20 hours. During this time there have been approximately 20,000 hours that cars could have parked there (7 cars times 10 hours a day for 10 months). The bus spaces on Holyoke Square have remained empty for 10 months. Buses don't park there and cars are not allowed to park there. It's time to allow cars to park there again. Please pass the word about this meeting and try to attend if you can find the time. Thank-You!
Monday, July 17, 2017
Latest in the Window Replacement Saga
On July 7th, I received the following e-mail from Andy Giller at New Angle Glass, the selected vendor for the window replacement project.
I just wanted to let you know that 2 of our flat glass technicians (they are brothers) gave their notice this morning and they are moving out of state. This will leave us short handed until we find replacement. Unfortunately we will have to hold off or pass on the window project in your building as we simply are not going to have the man power at this point. I truly apologize and feel terrible, but I wouldn't want to take on a project that we wouldn't be able to complete. I will have John notify the unit owners that have already contacted us.
Thank you,
Andrew B. Giller
New Angle LOGO
Phone: 781-309-5511
Fax: 781-592-4768
This unfortunately sends us back to square one on the project.
We initially had two other vendors in the running, but their pricing was almost double what we got from New Angle Glass.
Our current options are:
1. Start over and look for a new vendor
2. Go back to one of the previous vendors and see if we can get a better price.
3. Let everyone figure it out for themselves.
I for one, after working on this project off and on for the last year or so, would like to take a break from this and/or pass the torch to someone else who can take the lead in finding and communicating with a vendor who is ready, willing and able to do this project within the price range that we have already established. I would appreciate your input on this matter.
I just wanted to let you know that 2 of our flat glass technicians (they are brothers) gave their notice this morning and they are moving out of state. This will leave us short handed until we find replacement. Unfortunately we will have to hold off or pass on the window project in your building as we simply are not going to have the man power at this point. I truly apologize and feel terrible, but I wouldn't want to take on a project that we wouldn't be able to complete. I will have John notify the unit owners that have already contacted us.
Thank you,
Andrew B. Giller
New Angle LOGO
Phone: 781-309-5511
Fax: 781-592-4768
This unfortunately sends us back to square one on the project.
We initially had two other vendors in the running, but their pricing was almost double what we got from New Angle Glass.
Our current options are:
1. Start over and look for a new vendor
2. Go back to one of the previous vendors and see if we can get a better price.
3. Let everyone figure it out for themselves.
I for one, after working on this project off and on for the last year or so, would like to take a break from this and/or pass the torch to someone else who can take the lead in finding and communicating with a vendor who is ready, willing and able to do this project within the price range that we have already established. I would appreciate your input on this matter.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Important Information for Commuters
As the MBTA will be shutting down commuter rail service north of Salem from July 17 through August 13 to repair the railroad bridge between Salem and Beverly, the City will be making the following changes in anticipation of additional commuter vehicle traffic during that period of time.
Temporary taxi stand: Taxi cabs and other ride service vehicles will not be permitted into the garage during this time period. A temporary stand will be posted on Washington Street southbound from Bridge Street to Federal Street.
Salem resident-only lot: The City of Salem’s surface parking lot adjacent to the MBTA garage will be available on these dates for Salem residents only from July 17 to August 13. Cars parked in the lot must be registered to a Salem address, and license plate lookup will be used by enforcement personnel. The lot will continue to be $4/day.
Overflow parking: Additional parking is available at the Universal Steel lot on Bridge Street. Parking will continue to be $4/day. Parkers are encouraged to pay using the Passport parking app ( – available on IOS and Android devices – as the lot only has one payment kiosk and lines may form. Day-long parking will also be available, as always, in the Church Street surface lot and the Museum Place garage. For more information about parking options in Salem, please visit
Pick-up/Drop-off: The MBTA pick-up and drop-off location on these dates will be relocated to the northbound on-ramp to Route 114 West/North Street off of Bridge Street. Pick-up and drop-off, also called “kiss and ride”, will not be permitted in the MBTA garage property from July 17 and August 13.
Residential parking enforcement: Additional parking enforcement personnel will be monitoring neighborhoods around the MBTA station between July 17 and August 13 to provide additional parking enforcement of no parking, resident parking only, and other regulations. To report an illegally parked vehicle, call the Salem Police Department non-emergency line at 978-744-1212 or the Traffic and Parking Department at 978-745-8120.
Police details: Police details will be present in key downtown intersections on some dates and times during the July 17 through August 13 period. Please follow directions from any details present, as they will be working to help ensure traffic moves through intersections in as orderly a manner as possible.
Expanded bike share: Zagster bike share stations will be added July 17 at Ward Street & Congress Street, Salem Willows, and Loring Avenue near the bike trail entry at Salem State University’s Central Campus. These stations, in addition to the existing three stations at Federal Street near the Tabernacle Church, Front Street & Washington Street, and Salem Wharf at Blaney Street, brings the total number of bikes available to 36. Use the promotional code BIKESALEM through August to get discounted Zagster membership. Bike to the Federal Street Zagster station for easy access to the commuter rail. Visit for details.
Expanded weekend ferry service: The City of Salem and Boston Harbor Cruises will be expanding ferry service to and from Long Wharf in Boston on weekends from July 15 through September 30. Please note that these trips will be on the 272-passenger catamaran ferry The Manhattan, a different vessel from the Bowditch, Salem’s regular ferry, and trip times will be increased to approximately 75 minutes.
WEEKEND ADDITIONAL FERRY (July 15 through September 30)
Depart Long Wharf, Boston
Arrive Salem Wharf
10:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Depart Salem Wharf
Arrive Long Wharf, Boston
12:00 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
During the period of July 17 through August 13 there will not be additional weekday ferry service, but increased ridership is anticipated, especially during commuting hours, so ferry passengers are advised to plan accordingly, purchase tickets in advance online at, and arrive early if possible. Parking availability is limited at the Blaney Street lot, so commuters are encouraged to walk or bike to the ferry whenever possible. Bike racks are provided next to the ferry office, bicycles are allowed on the ferry, and there is Zagster-Salem Bike Share hub at Blaney Wharf.
South Salem residents who typically drive to the commuter rail station are encouraged during this time to utilize a station south of Salem on the commuter rail line (parking at the Lynn commuter rail station is free of charge) or to consider the Lynn to Boston Ferry (7:45am departure from Lynn, 6:00pm return from Boston, $7 each way) or taking the Blue Line.
In addition to the July 17 to August 13 closure of the commuter rail line north of Salem, commuter rail service will shut down along the entire Newburyport/Rockport line every weekend between July 8th and September 30th so that the MBTA can install federally-mandated Positive Train Control infrastructure. During this time period, the MBTA will run shuttle bus service to and from North Station from all stations throughout the project. Thirteen inbound and eleven outbound shuttles will service the Salem MBTA station. Total travel time for trips between Salem and North Station in Boston are estimated to be 1 hour. (See for full shuttle schedule).
Read more:
Friday, June 23, 2017
There will be no access in or out of the parking lot this Saturday, June 24 between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM. The lot is being used for a staging area for the annual North Shore Pride Parade.
If you will need to access or exit the lot between those hours on Saturday be sure to make alternative plans.
Some of you have recently sold your Units and we do not yet have email contact information for some of the new owners yet. We know it is an inconvenience, but if you can convey this information to the new owners, we are sure that they would appreciate it.
As always, we ask those of you who lease your units to forward this information to your tenants.
Markwood Management
Thursday, June 1, 2017
A Couple of Things...
Just a couple of things.
#1. Please Return What You Borrow
If you borrow one of the (3) stepladders from the electrical room in the basement, please return them as soon as you are done with it. These ladders are the property of 24 Norman Street and are available for everyone to use, but only if they are actually available.
#3. Do Not Leave Things in the Hallways/Stairways
The common areas should not be used to store personal items. This includes bags of trash and litter, furniture, and packages. It should either be in your unit, or on it's way to/from someplace else. Packages delivered to the mailbox area should be picked up as soon as possible, especially if they are large and blocking either the mailboxes or the staircase.
#1. Please Return What You Borrow
If you borrow one of the (3) stepladders from the electrical room in the basement, please return them as soon as you are done with it. These ladders are the property of 24 Norman Street and are available for everyone to use, but only if they are actually available.
#2. Park Considerately
If you are lucky enough to find an
open parking space in front of the building, please remember that there
is space for (3) regular vehicles and (1) handicapped vehicle. Please
park in a way that allows for other vehicles to fit in the space ether
in front of you or behind you.
#3. Do Not Leave Things in the Hallways/Stairways
The common areas should not be used to store personal items. This includes bags of trash and litter, furniture, and packages. It should either be in your unit, or on it's way to/from someplace else. Packages delivered to the mailbox area should be picked up as soon as possible, especially if they are large and blocking either the mailboxes or the staircase.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Update on Window Replacement Project
A meeting to discuss the possible replacement of unit windows was held on Tuesday, May 23rd in the Heritage Room at 10 Norman Street, In Attendance for Markwood Management was Kim Lord and Trustee George Courage. Eight owners also attended. The main topics of discussion were:
Why replace the windows?
Age of the Windows
The building was converted to condos in 1984-85, which means the windows are about 32 years old. Many commercial windows have a life expectancy of about 20-25 years. We are at or beyond the life expectancy of the original windows.
Energy Conservation
The last few years have seen some steep increases in electrical rates, especially in the winter. The inefficiency of the windows has been a contributing factor.
Air Quality/Airflow
Many of the window counter weights have broken, making the windows incredibly difficult to open for ventilation. Many of the screens are also missing/broken.
Seal Breakage
The seals on many windows are cracked or broken which nullifies their insulating qualities and in some cases create drafts. Many of the windows no longer close and seal properly.
Repair or Replace?
Although broken or cracked glass can be replaced, and seals redone, there is no way to replace/restore the argon gas in between the two panes of glass, greatly reducing the insulating qualities of the window. Finding a vendor willing and able to do repairs has proved difficult, expensive, and very limited. For instance there is no way to repair the broken counterweights.
Many of the windows are visibly worn and aged-looking, and many are jury rigged or propped open with everything from sticks to box fans. This makes the building look shabby and reduces it's value to prospective tenants/owners.
Value to the Unit
Replacing the windows would most likely enhance the value of the unit either to attract potential buyers or tenants.
At this time there is no structural reason to replace the windows. We had a structural engineer come and take a look at the building before the meeting, and although we have not yet received his final written report, he said that there was no indication of major structural problems either caused by, or affecting the windows.
Newer windows with double or triple-pained glass will also greatly reduce ambient noise from the downtown area including pedestrian and vehicular noise.
Injury to a tenant caused by the lifting or falling of the very heavy windows and possible legal action resulting from it may be a strong incentive for owners to replace the windows.
Why Replace the Windows Now?
Cost Savings
The more owners decide to get their windows replaced at the same time, the cheaper it will be for everyone. Besides the cost of the windows themselves, the equipment and personnel required to replace them become prohibitive on an individual basis.
Less Disruptive to Residents
If we as many as we can at once, we reduce the amount of disruption to the building.
Savings on Heating/Cooling
Although replacing the windows is expensive, there may be state incentives in the form of grants rebates or loans available to help make our building more energy efficient.
Next Steps
We had (8) owners sign up for a group e-mail list that will keep everyone informed of developments on the windows. Trustee George Courage contacted the preferred vendor for a more detailed estimate for the project. Owner Dustin Quadros has gathered information about getting an energy audit, a step which could be helpful in obtaining financing for the project.
If you were unable to attend the meeting but are interested in replacing your windows, please contact Markwood Management or e-mail, for more information.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Planning Board Meeting about Proposed Development at 120 Washington Street
Residents of 24 Norman Street, be aware (if you have not already received notice from the City of Salem Planning Board) that there will be a public hearing on Thurday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM in room 313, third floor at 120 Washington Street to review plans to convert the 3rd and 4th floor offices at 120 Washington Street, currently occupied by the city, into (14) residential units and construct a common roof deck on the 2nd floor. The potential impact of this for 24 Norman Street residents is possible sound issues for the back and north side of the building, and especially on available area parking. The 120 Washington Street building has no parking of it's own and no mention has been made of where these (14) residents are going to be parking. Will the city make a deal to sell/lease more spaces in the already crowded Riley Plaza? With the leasing of space in Riley Plaza to the Merchant Hotel, another (2) hotels being built on Essex and Washington Streets and the loss of (8) spaces to tour-bus parking, parking availability promised to be a hot issue in the coming year or so. If you can, please attend the meeting to find out the details of what is being proposed and to rasie any concerns you may have. This may be your only opportunity to be heard.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Boston Globe Survey: Dedicated Bus Parking in Holyoke Square
Should Salem continue to maintain dedicated bus spaces in Holyoke Square? - The Boston Globe
If you have followed this blog for any length of time, you are aware that the city council recently narrowly voted to make the north side of Holyoke Square into dedicated tour bus parking, year-round.
This has had an adverse affect on the availability of parking spaces in the neighborhood of 24 Norman Street.
An article posted to the April 21 website featured arguments for and against dedicated tour bus parking in Holyoke Square. Arguing YES was Kate Fox, Executive director of Destination Salem, arguing NO was Arthur Sargent, Salem city councilor at large.
The link to the article is here:
There was also a survey asking "Should Salem continue to maintain dedicated bus spaces in Holyoke Square?". If you have the time and/or a subscription to the Globe website, please go and read the article, and vote. The results as of Friday were 39 votes AGAINST and 18 votes FOR. Although it is a non-binding survey, anything we can do to make our opinion heard will be helpful. You can be sure that the opposing side will be networking in favor of their agenda.
Late in 2015, a pedestrian required emergency services after being struck by a car and seriously injured on lower Endicott Street at its intersection with Pratt. The vehicle, coming from Marblehead, came across the Margin Street intersection from Mill Street (Domino's, Walsh Insurance). Following this incident, 47 immediate neighbors signed a petition asking the Mayor for help with an unacceptable and steadily worsening traffic situation that you are probably quite aware of.
In December 2015, GESNA (Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association) created the Lower Endicott Traffic Sub-Committee (LETS-C) to work with the city to find a solution. It has 6 official members and about the same number of other neighbors assisting. They all live in the affected area (between the intersections of Endicott/Margin and Endicott/Summer).
In early 2016, the city hired an independent firm (the VHB) to conduct a study of the situation. At a meeting in April 2016, the LETS-C learned the results: An appalling 2,400 vehicles enter Endicott Street from Mill and Margin per day. To make matters worse, many of these vehicles travel at speeds that are not appropriate for a neighborhood street. In mid-2016, two "20mph" signs were installed on lower Endicott. While not enforceable, it was hoped that they might slow traffic down. However, with each passing day, lower Endicott becomes a more common short-cut for non-neighborhood drivers looking to avoid downtown Salem and get to points north and west as quickly as possible. GESNA is aware of at least 2 more traffic accidents in the affected area since the first incident. One vehicle, nearly totaled, had to be towed away.
In January 2017, the LETS-C coordinator gave new City of Salem Traffic and Parking Director, Matt Smith, a tour of the problem area. The Director suggested another meeting with the LETS-C and to invite residents of both lower Endicott and Prescott Streets. That meeting took place on April 11, 2017. In attendance were Matt Smith, Mayor Kim Driscoll, Councilors Stephen Lovely and Arthur Sargent, City Engineer David Knowlton, the VHB and 13 neighbors. Several ideas were discussed and will continue to be considered, including having lower Endicott Street become a one-way (down from Summer Street to Margin). The rest of the street would remain unchanged.
One of those ideas is being sent to the Traffic Commission for approval. It is a Pilot Program (test run) for lower Endicott and lower Prescott Streets. If approved, signage that will read "Do Not Enter, 7-9AM, 3-6PM" will be placed at the intersections of Endicott/Margin and Prescott/Margin. The reason Prescott Street would get this restriction along with Endicott, is because traffic that currently uses Endicott might simply adopt Prescott Street as the new short-cut. Thus, the same traffic nightmare plaguing Endicott could be recreated one street over. While this part-time restriction is slightly inconvenient, it is a sacrifice the lower Endicott residents are willing to make for a safer street and the greater good.
This change would also affect those of you who use lower Endicott and Prescott Streets. For that reason, GESNA, Matt Smith, Mayor Driscoll and the Councilors all feel these developments should be shared with the entire neighborhood at this time. If you have an opinion, idea, question or concern, you may want to attend the next meeting of the Traffic and Parking Commission to share them. Again, the Commission will be making the final determination on implementing this one option.
Contact info:
MATT SMITH, Traffic and Parking Director
Late in 2015, a pedestrian required emergency services after being struck by a car and seriously injured on lower Endicott Street at its intersection with Pratt. The vehicle, coming from Marblehead, came across the Margin Street intersection from Mill Street (Domino's, Walsh Insurance). Following this incident, 47 immediate neighbors signed a petition asking the Mayor for help with an unacceptable and steadily worsening traffic situation that you are probably quite aware of.
In December 2015, GESNA (Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association) created the Lower Endicott Traffic Sub-Committee (LETS-C) to work with the city to find a solution. It has 6 official members and about the same number of other neighbors assisting. They all live in the affected area (between the intersections of Endicott/Margin and Endicott/Summer).
In early 2016, the city hired an independent firm (the VHB) to conduct a study of the situation. At a meeting in April 2016, the LETS-C learned the results: An appalling 2,400 vehicles enter Endicott Street from Mill and Margin per day. To make matters worse, many of these vehicles travel at speeds that are not appropriate for a neighborhood street. In mid-2016, two "20mph" signs were installed on lower Endicott. While not enforceable, it was hoped that they might slow traffic down. However, with each passing day, lower Endicott becomes a more common short-cut for non-neighborhood drivers looking to avoid downtown Salem and get to points north and west as quickly as possible. GESNA is aware of at least 2 more traffic accidents in the affected area since the first incident. One vehicle, nearly totaled, had to be towed away.
In January 2017, the LETS-C coordinator gave new City of Salem Traffic and Parking Director, Matt Smith, a tour of the problem area. The Director suggested another meeting with the LETS-C and to invite residents of both lower Endicott and Prescott Streets. That meeting took place on April 11, 2017. In attendance were Matt Smith, Mayor Kim Driscoll, Councilors Stephen Lovely and Arthur Sargent, City Engineer David Knowlton, the VHB and 13 neighbors. Several ideas were discussed and will continue to be considered, including having lower Endicott Street become a one-way (down from Summer Street to Margin). The rest of the street would remain unchanged.
One of those ideas is being sent to the Traffic Commission for approval. It is a Pilot Program (test run) for lower Endicott and lower Prescott Streets. If approved, signage that will read "Do Not Enter, 7-9AM, 3-6PM" will be placed at the intersections of Endicott/Margin and Prescott/Margin. The reason Prescott Street would get this restriction along with Endicott, is because traffic that currently uses Endicott might simply adopt Prescott Street as the new short-cut. Thus, the same traffic nightmare plaguing Endicott could be recreated one street over. While this part-time restriction is slightly inconvenient, it is a sacrifice the lower Endicott residents are willing to make for a safer street and the greater good.
This change would also affect those of you who use lower Endicott and Prescott Streets. For that reason, GESNA, Matt Smith, Mayor Driscoll and the Councilors all feel these developments should be shared with the entire neighborhood at this time. If you have an opinion, idea, question or concern, you may want to attend the next meeting of the Traffic and Parking Commission to share them. Again, the Commission will be making the final determination on implementing this one option.
Contact info:
MATT SMITH, Traffic and Parking Director
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Window Meeting Set for May
A meeting to discuss options for the much-needed window replacements for 24 Norman Street (see the March 31st post for details) is set for on May 23, 2017 @ 6:30PM at Heritage Plaza, 10 Norman Street, on the lower level conference room (same location as the Annual meeting of unit owners). Contact Markwood Management if you have questions. Hopefully we will see you all then.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
City of Salem Expands Bulky Trash Item Collection Options
The City of Salem is expanding the bulky trash item collection options available to residents.
- Effective immediately, Salem residents can schedule two bulky items for collection by Waste Management at a time. Bulky items will continue to be collected on your recycling collection week only. To schedule a bulky item collection, you must call Waste Management at 800-972-4545 at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled recycling pick up.
- For the month of May, an additional bulky item disposal dumpster will be available for use at the Salem Transfer Station on Swampscott Road, Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Proof of residency or property ownership is required, and you will be asked to sign in. There is a limit of two items per person, per weekend. Construction debris will not be accepted.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Window Replacement Update
As many of you already know, the windows in our building are 30+ years old (the building was converted to condos in the 1980's) and are well beyond their projected lifespan.
As a result, many residents at 24 Norman Street have windows that are no longer energy efficient ( as reflected in high heating and cooling bills). Many have cracked or broken seals and/or broken and cracked glass which make for drafts and even leaks when there is a combination of wind and rain.
There are also broken counterweights which make the windows difficult to open, and dangerous if they should fall shut. Add in missing screens and it looks like it is high time to replace the windows.
Our windows are exceptionally large (approximately 4 feet by 9 feet 6 inches ) and heavy (over 1,000 lbs). Most window manufacturers (especially vinyl window) have an upward size limit of 85". That is 3" shorter than the two bottom panels of our windows. Our windows are really (2) windows joined together. (1) part comprised of two large panels of equal size, and an additional 1 foot-high transom at the top.
Markwood has been looking into window replacement since last year, but because of the size, weight and location of the windows, have had difficulty in finding a combination of a vendor who can manufacture windows at the large size required, and an installer who was willing and able to install them.
I personally contacted (5) different window vendors, all referrals from business associates including an architect.
Out of those five, one never got back to me and another RiteWindow, said they could not help us after I sent them pictures and dimensions.
The three left were:
Coastal Windows & Exteriors of Beverly
Schernecker Property Services of Waltham
New Angle Glass of Lynn
Each of these three came and met with me at the building, looked at the windows inside and out, and took measurements.
Coastal Windows gave me an estimate the same day, but they were very expensive.
$8,124.00 for replacing (2) windows.
They also only do vinyl windows which is a problem due to the size.
Schernecker Property Services
Is a property service company so they are used to dealing with large condo projects. They were very knowledgable and besides the sales rep, had a structural engineer along. They said that vinyl windows are not an option for our size windows as they do not add structural support and the weight would cause the vinyl to deform over time, which would lead to problems. They recommended metal replacement windows. They have have not yet , as of today, provided me with an estimate.
New Angle Glass is a local company (based in Lynn) they also sent two people, a sales rep and an installation guy. They confirmed that for windows this size that vinyl is not an option. They also recommended metal replacement windows. They have recently completed several large window projects in the Lynn area.
Their pricing was much better, coming in at around $4,198.75 for two windows. They also gave us the option of two different window configurations, one where the (3) panels would be of equal size, thus reducing the weight of the individual panels and making them easier to open, and one with a “hopper”option for the top panel, so that you could actually open the top most window.
There are still some variables that might drive the price up bit. they would need to rent a boom lift which would cost them $2,450.00 a week, and Salem might require them to have a police detail as well (not sure what that would cost) so the more people do this at once, the cheaper it is for everyone. This definitely brings this into the realm of possibility.
Anyway, that’s where things stand. If you are interested, or know anyone in the building who is, please let the Markwood Management office (Kim Lord) or myself know (leave a comment or e-mail me).
I will be posting about this on the blog again in the near future as I get updated information. There is also an e-mail chain making the rounds.
When I get the final estimate from Schernecker , I will pass that on to you. We will probably need to have a special meeting to discuss this further.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
"Man, that pot smell is really strong!" this was the reaction from a vendor on a recent walk-through of the third floor of our building.
With the recent changes in the legality of marijuana, this may be a good opportunity to remind everyone that there is no smoking of any kind allowed anywhere inside 24 Norman Street.
That ban includes tobacco, marijuana, hashish, banana leaves (or any other substance you can think of) in pipes, rolling papers, cigarettes, fruit, bongs or any other device you can think of.
That applies to all common areas of the building (hallways, entryways, laundry room) as well as all individual units.
It is obvious that people in the building are smoking, because they can be seen smoking around the front door or in the side lot and their cigarette butts litter the ground outside. and of course because you can smell it.
Some smokers are at least considerate enough to go outside to do so, but as happens every year when the cold weather starts, people start fudging it: smoking in the back stairway, just outside the front and back doors, or sneaking one in their units.
This is unfair to the majority who do not smoke. Besides smelling bad, causing eye, throat and nose irritations, and increasing the risk of fire, it also exposes everyone to carcinogens.
Smoking in the building will not be tolerated.
You can't hide the fact that you are smoking in a building this small. Interior doors are not tight, and neither are the floors and ceilings between units. It doesn't take a bloodhound to sniff out where the smoke is coming from. Sooner or later someone is going to complain to Markwood about the smell of smoke coming from your end of the hallway, or your unit, or you will be seen smoking inside or directly adjacent to the building.
If that happens, you will be fined, $100 for each offense until you stop or move out
Is that worth it?
Monday, February 20, 2017
Temporary Parking Changes on Hoyoke
The parking situation on Holyoke Street took a twist two weeks ago when new signs were installed on both the east and west sides of the street. The new signs by the Holyoke Insurance building (Common Ground Enterprises) were changed to seemingly restrict after-hours parking. However, according to Ward Councilor Arthur Sargent;
"The parking spaces on Norman St and Holyoke Sq that are beside Common Ground Enterprises should only be reserved for them during the day (8:00 am to 5:30 pm) Monday thru Friday."
Arthur copied Markwood on emails he received from Lt. Preczewski of the police dept and Matt Smith from the parking dept which confirmed this. They worked with Common Ground Enterprises to correct the signs to properly reflect The City Ordnance. So you can park on the Holyoke Building side (west side) of the street between 6:00 pm and 7:30 am on weekdays, and all day on Saturday and Sunday without any problems.
The signs on the Verizon building (east side) were changed to allow 2 hour parking on Holyoke.
The apparent compromise on the bus parking area initially looked promising, but was actually calculated to divide the small-business signers from the residential participants in the petition.
There is currently a petition drive with almost 2,000 signatures to modify or eliminate the tour bus parking. By allowing temporary parking the city appears to be addressing the issue that was driving businesses on Gedney Street to oppose tour bus parking–loss of business due to the lack of convenient available parking in the area.
This change is only temporary, and ignores resident parking needs as it does not allow for weekend parking. Again, according to Ward Councilor Arthur Sargent;
"The temporary parking where the Bus Spaces are is from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Although this theoretically means that you can park there between 6:00 pm and 7:30 am on weekdays, and all day on Saturday and Sunday, (as that is in line with the city-wide parking ordinance), since this is not reflected on the signage, you do so at your own risk.
Markwood will keep you posted on any further developments.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
MARCH- Free Book Swap!
If you live at 24 Norman Street and love books, you will want to save this date! The next Free Book Swap is Saturday, March 18 at the Council on Aging, 5 Broad Street, Salem, MA. "Swapping" isn't necessary -- feel free to drop off, take away, or both!
They will take BOOKS, CDs & DVDs, VCR TAPES, and GREETING CARDS.
All leftover material will be donated or recycled.
Have excess reusable / cloth bags at home? Bring them to the Swap for others to take as needed.
GOT LOTS OF ITEMS? You can drop off ahead of time.
Drop off times are:
* Friday, March 17, 5:00pm - 7:00pm
* Saturday, March 18, 9:45am - noon
For more info or to volunteer, visit or call (978) 619-5679.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
Markwood recently received the following notification about a Zoning Board of Appeasl meeting about an issue that may or may not affect us here at 24 Norman Street.
Dear Neighbor,
Many of us in the greater Endicott Street neighborhood recently received a meeting notice from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The notice reads that Excel Recycling is seeking a Special Permit which will allow them "to operate a metal storage, recycling and transportation facility categorized as a junkyard at 99 MARGIN STREET". That location is in Ward 3 between the Salem Police station and 1 Jefferson Avenue. It is diagonally across the street from the bottom of Summer Street.
If you are interested in hearing more about this development, or have concerns as to its impact on our neighborhood, the issue will be on the Zoning Board of Appeal's Meeting Agenda. It will take place at:
6:30 PM, Wednesday Evening, February 15, 2017
City Hall Annex
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Concerns or inquiries can also be directed to Ward 3 Councilor Stephen Lovely.
Thank You,
Barbara Mann & Bob Femino
Co-Chairpersons, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association (GESNA)
Dear Neighbor,
Many of us in the greater Endicott Street neighborhood recently received a meeting notice from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The notice reads that Excel Recycling is seeking a Special Permit which will allow them "to operate a metal storage, recycling and transportation facility categorized as a junkyard at 99 MARGIN STREET". That location is in Ward 3 between the Salem Police station and 1 Jefferson Avenue. It is diagonally across the street from the bottom of Summer Street.
If you are interested in hearing more about this development, or have concerns as to its impact on our neighborhood, the issue will be on the Zoning Board of Appeal's Meeting Agenda. It will take place at:
6:30 PM, Wednesday Evening, February 15, 2017
City Hall Annex
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Concerns or inquiries can also be directed to Ward 3 Councilor Stephen Lovely.
Thank You,
Barbara Mann & Bob Femino
Co-Chairpersons, Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood Association (GESNA)
Thursday, January 12, 2017
A Note About the Disposal of Large Items
Last week a resident of 24 Norman Street had their water heater replaced. Unfortunately, the plumbers who did the replacement, did not take the old unit with them and left it sitting outside
by the recycling bins.
Another resident disposed of a large couch by pushing it out a window and leaving it leaning against the west side of the building.
If you are planning on disposing of large items, you must make arrangements either with Markwood or with a qualified vendor.
Do not place large items in or next to the dumpster or leave them sitting outside.
Our regular trash service will not take these items. We cannot stress this enough.
This includes mattresses, tables, chairs, couches, refrigerators, air/heating units, cabinets, toilets, bathtubs, sinks, and last but not least, water heaters. Professional plumbers and carpenters will take their trash with them if you ask them to. If they will not or cannot take it, then you should look for one that will.
If you dispose of items improperly, Markwood is forced to call our maintenance service to come and remove the items from the property. We get charged for this every time it happens, and we will then pass on that charge to you.
In the case of the water heater, the cost of removal is being billed back to the unit owner. If you have questions about disposing of large items or want to arrange to have something picked up, please call Markwood Management at (781) 639-4080. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Christmas Tree Disposal-2017
You have two options this year:
Curbside pickup
City-wide Christmas tree curbside collection will continue to take place January 9 -13, 2017.
Please leave your tree curbside on the same day as your regularly scheduled trash day and Waste Management will pick up your tree. Trees should be on the curb bare, with no bags or decorations.
Since Christmas falls on a Sunday, trash pickup will operate on a regular schedule.
14th Annual Christmas Tree Bonfire
The City’s 14th annual Christmas tree bonfire will be held at Dead Horse Beach on Memorial Drive on Friday, January 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., weather permitting.
Waste Management trucks will be picking up trees curbside on the same day as your regularly scheduled trash day beginning January 2nd. If you really want to make sure your tree is part of the bonfire, you can drop it off at the entrance to Dead Horse Beach after January 2nd or bring it to the bonfire on the 6th.
Please don't forget that all decorations and lights must be removed from your tree.
In case of inclement weather (rain/snow/wind) the bonfire will be held on Saturday evening, January 7th at 6:00 p.m. Check for rescheduling information.
Finally, DO NOT place your tree inside or next to the dumpster.
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